Grizzly video

Yes, a charge--even a bluff charge--gets the blood pumping. Things happen fast. That is a pretty good video.
They do pop out of the brush and very suddenly. However, you can hear them coming. Darned intimidating.
Dr Mike - you've seen a lot of grizzlies. Sow & cub? I can't tell.

Bluff charge? Or the real thing? Would anyone be able to tell the difference before it was too late?

I'm impressed that the gunshot deterred them...

Looked to be sow and cub. As close as she got and as agitated as she was throughout her rush, I doubt she was bluffing. However, her ears weren't flattened, which would indicate that she wasn't enraged. The one accompanying the camera man was correct to shoot. Fortunately, the sound of the shot was enough to deter her.

I recall one encounter with a grizzly that charged. I shot over his head at about forty yards; he paused, lifted his head and looked up before resuming his charge. One more shot at his feet when he was about ten yards was enough to convince him to run back about a hundred yards which gave my friend and I enough time to scurry away. He didn't pursue us, which was a relief.

I've actually been charged twice. The other was a bluff performance from a large boar; it was nevertheless very intimidating.

The first charge I just described seemed not to be a full-bore charge, more of an aggression display to push us out of his immediate territory.
I don't think that I would have shot into the ground at 10yds. I may have had a dead Bear on my hands. When push comes to shove I'm afraid I would do the shoving. :mrgreen:
That huffing sound they make is pretty spooky when you can hear it but don't see them yet.

She didn't seem serious to me, agitated but didn't have that "I mean it" look they get. If a predatory charge the run low and fast and don't make the huffing sound, the head stays low and level with the lazer focus of a jack Russell chasing a tennis ball.

She was just bluffing and showing off. He was right not to shoot her.

Another good indicator of a bluff is teeth popping, ears almost lost in the fluffed up hair and "angry" look to them. The bobbing and turning sideways is to make them appear larger. If she had been serious it would have been low, fast, and growling.

He really should have bee yelling and waving his arms before she got that close, she prolly knew something was there but not quite sure what. I've seen that behavior quite often while bear baiting.

I've experienced one predator charge and one serious intent defensive charge, the predator charge is far more scary.

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Notice this big girl, I'm betting she would have swatted them a might. Flat, low, head level and focused on the raft, no hopping... This was a classic defensive charge and she "meant it". She would have made contact, probably roughed them up a bit to buy time for her cubs to get to safety.

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That was pretty intense! Remember seeing that video a while back. Scary stuff!