Ground Blinds

Larry in SD

Nov 8, 2004
The wife and I have been talking about getting a pop up ground blind before Deer Season next year. There are several places we hunt that we could set up a ground blind by a Rock Pile, Bale Pile etc.

I have been talking to a few locals that I know use them and am getting mixed answers to my questions.

I have had a couple guys tell me that the Primos Double Bull is the only way to go. One guy likes the T5 and another says to get the Dark Horse.

Yet another guy tells me not to get a Primos Double Bull but rather get an Ameristep as they set up and take down easier.

OK you guys, this will be used for Gun Hunting (Handguns for me, Rifles for the Wife and Grand Daughter). I do not archery hunt so any special consideration for Archery is not needed.

Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.


I'm happy with mine, a Primos Ground Max / Predator, which is more of an economy model. ($150)
it will set up or take down in less than a minute. :grin: I've had it two years
and no signs of falling apart. The down side is the velcro windows are a little noisy to
open, and the top leaks when it rains. :cry: Sorry, no experience with any others.
Morning Larry,

I have had the Ameristep Doghouse since I lived in MI, so pre 2005. Bought it to take my girls deer hunting in comfort. Workds great and after 6 seasons, still serving me well. I treat it with 3m Scotchgaurd every yr prior to use. For two people, its plenty roomy, easy to carry, setup, takedown.. Have had two adults & one kid in it once. And I use a little propane heater in it also. One of the best deer hunting tools I have picked up.

BUT MAKE SURE YOU BUY A BLAZE ORANGE "CAP" for it... It's scary when you see people approach you and have no clue. And consider the road hunters we all know and love...

Fleet Farm here in town carries all the above... Heck you wanna try mine out before you buy, holler.....

I found mine laying in the woods, cheap and noisy but the deer walk right up to it, even when I am in there!! :grin: :grin:
Thanks guys. Actually I asked a local Bowhunter and he says a friend of his has a Double Bull T5 that has only been used a time or two I may be able to buy reasonable.

Thanks Rod. The wife liked the part about heating it with a portable propane heater.

They are great for turkey hunting, just set it up and hunt. For deer hunting, you will want to "brush it in" otherwise the deer will see you.
Last year I had a 5 pt walk right past me at 25 feet, never even noticed me when he stopped to test the wind.


And pick up two of the Double Bull Archery Tri-Stools. Comfy, light weight and they are strong enough told hold my butt, so they'll work for you too.. A little propane heater get an 8-14K btu model, some mt dew, coffee, samwiches, snickers bars, a book and something for the wife to tinkle in and your set for the day in comfort... If my girls can handle it for 4-5 hrs at a shot, you know its comfy and we see plenty of deer... Lotta people say the little propane heaters hiss and make too much noise, I dont find that to be true. Maybe I am just seeing alot of deaf deer?

JD summed it up, they are great....
