

Apr 16, 2007
i am looking to hire a few guides for the next few seasons. Normally, I have just used guides that live in my area, but as I seem to have developed some online friends on this forum, I thought that I would open up the possibilities here. Pay is only $150 a day, and you can keep any tips earned. you will sleep comfortably, eat well, but that is about it. Send me a PM if any are interested.

The ranch is near Menard Texas, one the west edge of the hill country.
Wished I could take enough time off to do this! Good luck, hope you find some suitable fellers. Scotty
If I could get away and do that, I'd do it just for the experience! What a great thing to help people fulfill their hunting dreams for a season. Wish I could come out and help!
Dang, that could be a lot of fun, interesting, hard work.

Texas is a place though, where I've spent precious little time. Dunno how I could possibly guide worth a hoot, someplace that I don't know at all.

Neat idea though Hardpan. Hope you latch onto a couple of hard chargers!

If I get a fall/winter layoff I will def. keep this in mind. I worked a lot harder for not much more money in the Panhandle this year doing utility pole work. What does your guiding entail? Are they mostly babysitting hunters or is it full service free range spot/stalk/call hunting? Most of the deerstands I saw down there were 100' from a feeder.