Had a face to face with my nuisance bear this morning while


Oct 28, 2008
... From a ground blind.

He ambled in and came into view at about 40 yards, I yelled at him hoping he'd just run along, but no... He decided to get a closer look instead.

As I've said, he is a little too comfy around people.

At about 50 feet I decided that was close enough and figured I'd put the fear of God and man back in him... I don't want to kill him... But I do want him to understand that I can, and will if I have to.

8 rounds of hot 10mm in rapid succession, right at his front feet, pretty much did the trick I believe... He nearly tore down a 4 strand barbed wire fence getting out of there.

Season is open, I could have had him with the crossbow, but they are complicated to check out... Have to do it at the checking station and all that, deer can be checked in via an app on my phone, and its hot here... I'm not looking forward to the rush of taking a deer in this weather, let alone a bear that I don't really want anyway.
Hopefully he will think twice about snooping around.
I'm sure those 10mm loads had some bark to them too.

Yep...lotta bark... Power Pistol powder, known for being loud.

9.6 grains under 150 grain Nosler bullet.

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Strange that he wasn't deterred by your shout. I've had to put a round of two at the feet of inquisitive bears. However, since we are not permitted to carry handguns, it was a rifle slug. Sounds as if your regulations are not really all that excited about you taking bears, since they require inspection like that.
The bear population in this county is just getting up on its feet good, so they do monitor harvests closely.

Many still don't know it is legal to take them in this county, but only with archery equipment.
Old school guides, lodge owners often talk about a load of 8s in the butt. I never liked the idea but have had great success with bean bags on problem bears.
I haven't launched an arrow in thirty years but was wondering about hitting him on the shoulder or rump with a blunt?
That must of been exciting!

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salmonchaser":2wfhgzjt said:
Old school guides, lodge owners often talk about a load of 8s in the butt. I never liked the idea but have had great success with bean bags on problem bears.
I haven't launched an arrow in thirty years but was wondering about hitting him on the shoulder or rump with a blunt?
That must of been exciting!

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I have the goods to load some rock salt in 12 guage... I hadn't thought of that until I re-read your post just now, I wasn't fully awake when I read it the first time.

Thanks for the tip.
If you want to go none lethal they make 12gauge rubber slug loads that will inflict pain with out injury and would be more effective then rock salt since you have to get threw that heavy fir coat to have any effect.
A Buddy of mine load loads rubber slugs in his .45 long colt to keep them off his bird feeders when they come in the back yard. Don't know if they make them for .40 S&W or not.
Love a 10mm! I had several until my old rickety hands couldn't hold them still anymore. George Patton would have told you to "hold him by the nose and kick him in the azz"! ha A big rubber blunt out of that crossbow would be fun too. glad you didn't kill the thing, hopefully they'll grow into huntable numbers before long.