Haley's Bad Day


Apr 30, 2016
Took the daughter hunting yesterday, and her much anticipated deer hunt went much different than we expected. On the way to the farm we hunt she fell asleep. There's a creek we have to cross that's about 30' across, when the truck dropped off into the creek she woke up, still fuzzy headed from sleep, and thought we crashed into water and squealed like something that sounded like a predator call. We parked and headed out across the pasture, it had rained the night before and the lower end was wet and swampy and the cattle had it tore up and real muddy. Naturally she got stuck in the mud and yanked to pull her boot free..Well, all she did was pull her foot from her rubber boot and fall face first into soupy mud with a heaping helping of cow crap mixed in.. Her Stratta Camo pattern disappeared into a solid mud-brown color. and her rifle and scope were caked in mud. Now muddy, soaking wet and smelling like a cow pie, we finally made it to the two-man ladder stand. Doing what we could to get the mud off her rifle and scope..She tried her best to tough it out for a few hours, but she was shivering so intensely that I could feel the ladder stand shaking..So I told her we would just head out and call it a day....In an attempt to make the day a little better we stopped for her favorite little diner for pancakes. Well we missed breakfast hours by about 10 minutes, so it was a burger and fries. We will try again next week, and hope for better...
What a disappointing day for you and Haley. Let's hope that your next outing goes better.

Make sure she goes again. I made the mistake of letting my daughter decide that "fishing was not for her" after a particularly not so fun trip. Hasnt tried since.... I may be wrong but... Sorry- just my .02. Hang in there! CL
Bad days make us appreciate the good days more, and the great days even more than the good ones!
Hopefully she will be able to look back on it with a smile or a laugh at some point down the road.
salmonchaser":30yj3gya said:
Oh shi$ not even pancakes. Tough day.
Poor kid.

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Here's hoping it gets better for Haley. Yeah, that can be disappointing, but when she does connect, all the negative will be relegated to the legend vault.
It's all about making memories. As frustrating and disappointing the day was, one day you both will laugh about it.
Best wishes to Haley for the rest of this season. I hope she can connect on a big buck.

The good days are made that way by the bad and not-so-good! We tend to post here about all the successes, thanks for helping us remember. As said, they will all be good memories someday. I remember stuck in the mud, stuck in the snow, ammo left behind, flat tires, cold feet, etc., etc. Maybe get her some Girls With Guns clothing to help the enthusiasm...EE2
Yeah guys, some of my best belly laughs come from recalling disastrous days out hunting and fishing. She's 22 and has 10 years hunting and about 8 deer under her belt, so her getting discouraged isn't something I foresee happening. We're already planning to go back Wednesday afternoon, but this time hunt from the box blind on the upper end of the pastures because there is rain/snow forecast the next few days and I expect the lower end to only get worse.
elkeater2":2rbub6e1 said:
The good days are made that way by the bad and not-so-good! We tend to post here about all the successes, thanks for helping us remember. As said, they will all be good memories someday. I remember stuck in the mud, stuck in the snow, ammo left behind, flat tires, cold feet, etc., etc. Maybe get her some Girls With Guns clothing to help the enthusiasm...EE2

True, her early Christmas was an entire new set of hunting clothes from SHE Outdoors..Boots, gloves, BDU's, 1/4 Zip pullover, Bibs, parka and cap, all in True Timber Stratta camo pattern, Also, because she outgrew the factory 'compact stock", she picked out a Pink Boyd's Spike Camp stock for her Winchester XPR 7-08. Which I thought looked like a toy, until she shot this group @ 100


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Holy smokes! That rifle is a shooter and so is your daughter! That SHE collection of camo is nice. Both my wife and daughter have it and they love it.

JD338":2syn46pz said:
Holy smokes! That rifle is a shooter and so is your daughter! That SHE collection of camo is nice. Both my wife and daughter have it and they love it.


We have two of those XPR's, her 7-08 and I have one in 308 as a camp backup rifle. Both have been shooters from day one
Wow - the rifle is shooting very well indeed. :)

Excellent that she still wants to hunt with you after you said her rifle looks like a toy, crashed the truck in to the creek, pushed her over in the cow patty and froze her on a ladder, then drove slowly to deprive her of pancakes... It's all your fault you know... :wink:


What an adventure! Neither of you will forget these hunts together. (y)

Regards, Guy
Sorry she had a bad day but her shooting sure isn't bad. Hope she gets a big buck for her troubles. Dan.
Shoot! If she can shoot like that, she can have whatever color camo she wants! Hang in there! CL