Has anyone had experiance with Forster neck/shoulder dies?


Feb 9, 2007
I saw where Forster has come out with a neck die that has bushing for more consistant bullet hold in the case, nit much new there but this die also bumps back the shoulder at the same time ! Giving you according to them a more alinged fit into the chamber.

The directions state you just measure loaded ammo subtract .002-.003 for the neck bushing as do others, but you just set die to touch shellholder and this will give you the correct shoulder bump no matter chamber? I'm wondering how that is done? Chambers very but according to the directions it will set it back where it needs to be?

How does this get the correct head space?

Anyone use these dies?
I know someone posted recently on these on another forum. They got their dies and really liked them. They were making ammo with virtual zero runnout. I can' answer your question about the shoulder bump but would think that it would be settable like most any other die. Maybe you should email them or call them??
Kraky I looked at their detailed online instructions all it states is set it against the shell holder no futher adjustment needed, just wondering how that works for all guns? I will give them a call thanks.
You will need a headspace measuring device such as that made by Stoney Point or Wilson to measure how much you will need. I use a Redding body die and their type "S" neck bushing die. I don't bump the shoulder on every loading, just neck size unril the case gets tight in the chamber and then use the body die.Rick.
This die is setup up to sixe the neck and bump the shoulder if you don't want to size the neck it tells you to take out the bushing and then it will bump the shoulder on it's own. But according to the instructions it doesn't state to use my head space gauge it is set in the die?

Other wise a guy could use a FL die and set his head space that is the way I have been doing it after the cases get sticky in the chamber, but this is supposed to do it all in a neck size die? They say by moving the shoulder and aligning it with the neck each time you get a better fit and more accuracy? I will call forster this afternoon if I get a chance and find out the skinny on this setup! Thanks for the help guys!
Ok called and talked with Bob from Forster he said the instructions are a good starting point but nothing magical over a FL die and bumping the shoulder, so I still need to use my stoney point head space gauge, but it only moves the shoulder and sizes the neck not rest of the case body helping somewhat with brass working.

I'm wondering if this would be a wise investment of 58.00 or not now? I can do basicly the same thing with my redding FL die that I have now?

Thanks for the help again guys.
If you are making good runnout with your standard die....and this is a normal hunting rifle ....and you are using the headspace tool to set the die for minimal fl sizing....I would expect virtually no improvement in accuracy with the new die. (but its fun to play with new gadgets!!)
Well then I guess I stay with what I have. As I do use my headspace gauge and get it set with the redding FL die now and get good groups for hunting and killin critters LOL.

It would be fun to play with new things but the wife is a tough sell when it comes to new toys LOL. She doesn't know why I need all the stuff I got now! Woman just don't get it LOL!