Headed west


Jan 24, 2012
Tomorrow AM.

Have the fifth wheel loaded up and tomorrow at 8AM I am headed west to Wyoming. By noon Wednesday I should be set up, sighted in and awaiting 280Remington ( mike) to come over from Nebraska. I have (2) doe antelope tags to fill and a bunch of coyotes to shoot ( according to landowner).

Taking the .270's along for the ride as is the 22hornet and 243win. Weather looks great, company is fantastic, and the GoPro and camera are ready. As long as the antelope cooperate it should be fun.

Who am I kidding, no matter what it is going to be a BLAST!
Have fun!
I'll look for a hunting report with plenty of pictures. :)

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Pat, that does sound as if it will be a great hunt. Wishing every success to you and Mike. Excellent time, no doubt.
Can't wait! I have so much crap to do before now and then! Hopefully going to pull out shortly after work on Wednesday. Maybe sneak out a little before that!!

Need to pack yet.
Load rounds for .243(yotees)
Cook chili
Find sleeping bag
Wash clothes................

Crap I have a lot to do!
Have a safe and successful hunt as it sounds ya got everything together and primed for the trip! Hope you're job stuff is working out for ya and good company always makes things rite! Hope yall take care of all them dogs for the land owner as not many land owners out west appreciate having many around! We have plenty around here that need cleaned up and south of ABQ is covered with them! Actually I see them in town a lot as they like swimming the Rio Grande and I will not pay the 300.00 fine for shooting in the city ! Would like to but too dangerous as well!
Terry things are going well with work.

When I pull out of Wyoming on Sunday I am heading down to ABQ and setting up the fifth wheel just off I 40 west of town so we will have to get together soon!

This packing up and being paranoid that I will forget something is ridiculous.
Pat you will always forget something as it's just karma! Just hope it's not important as usually it's something ya gotta have and is expensive as all get out to replace! I am within 5 or 6 miles from the RV Camp! I got reloading setup if ya wanta use it you are more than welcome anytime! I am a rookie but willing to learn as long as I am still breathing :) you will have a Lotta great opportunities being a bow hunter !! Here are a few NM Bulls my friend shot last year! Gila Monsters!!
It sounds like there is going to be a great hunt in Wyoming!!
Remember good stories :wink: with lots of Photos!!

Have Fun, Shoot Straight & be Safe!

It's killing me that I have to work today and tomorrow! I can't leave till I get off work. Should be about a 3hr drive to the town closest to where we are going. Hoping I can make it there by 2000 hours or a little after!
Some of my best duck hunting back in Arkansas as a kid was after an all night party and being in the Skatters by daylight aka Bayou Meto! only lived around a 100 miles from Stuttgart and some of the best duck hunting I have ever seen! You guys should be able to put a few speed goats down especially if you are hunting a ranch! That is almost only way to get a big goat around here! NM just took over the BC speed goat record with a Governors Tag! Huge goat! Also dogs out here are elusive and have been shot at but you can get some and I hope yall get a truck load as the Ranch owner will be asking ya back! :)
Here doggy doggy doggy!!!!!!!!

Best of luck Pat and Mike.
Safe travels fellas.
