headin out!


Aug 15, 2006
Me and my Son Taylor are leaving in the morning for Wyoming. this is his first western hunting trip, and both our first hunt for antelope. hopefully Greg Nolan already has a Mule deer tied up and ready for us. I'll post pics as soon as there are any. if I can remember how!
Back when I was 15 a Western hunt was only a dream! :grin:
Good luck to all of you. Have a safe hunt and we look forward to the details upon youe return.

OH YEAH! I'll also be picking up that new Ruger #1 in 458 LOTT! :grin: :grin: :grin: I needed a new squirrel gun!
Trust you and your son will have success and enjoy some quality time together. Man, those squirrels must be something down there!
Some of best antelope hunting there is, is in Wyoming.

Leaving later today for southern Alberta for the same animal.

Good luck on your trip. Wish your boy and you all lots of luck. Can't wait to see some pictures of the squirrels you hunt though. Scotty