Heading to the range this evening.


Nov 19, 2010
I had to send my girlfriend's scope back to get worked on and just got it back this week. Got it mounted back up on her 270 a day or two ago. This afternoon she helped me load up some more test loads for my 7mm-08 with 139gr Hornady's and varget powder, and some test loads of 95gr Btips and Varget for my 243. Just waiting for it to cool off some and we are headed to the range. Ill try to take some pics or at least get back with a report!
Tracker, you need to get everything ship shape. The season has to be coming up quickly for you. Those 139 grain Hornady SPs have served me well in my .280 for quite a few years.
Good luck to you....... and please range report! :mrgreen:
Well no range report for last night. We pulled up to the gate to get into the rifle range and there was a sign stapled to the fence post that said "closed." So I called my buddy who is part of the group of guys that kind of run the range. Said the person that owns the land the range is on is putting his cows out there for the next 10 days. So I wont be able to shoot out there until the 23rd. I guess I can still go shoot out at my grandparents house, but I will have to shoot off of a picnic table and not real confident in that for load testing. My buddy did say they were going to do some work on the backstop and target boards this week though. Its about time. Ive been having to take my own piece of plywood out to the range to put targets on. A bunch of idiots have been out there shooting the boards and posts all up. You can tell they were out there just shooting up and destroying stuff. All the boards are shot up where a person wouldnt be able to put a target. Sorry for the rambling.