Help me plan my fall


Dec 20, 2008
I was actually kinda thinking I was going to pull a Antelope tag in Nevada but struck out so now I have some choices to make.

Try to draw my California tag which I think I am only about a 50/50 shot to get

Try to draw a different are in California like X3b

Apply for Idaho and if I dont draw go on a general Mule deer hunt

Or I have been invited to Colorado to hunt Elk on a General hunt that has been very successful in the past with this party that is going

Idaho and Colorado will cost me about the same.

oh and only a few days to decide
You probably already know "my" answer. Unless you get a "very" good unit in Idaho you will probably have the opportunity for a nice deer. A nice deer however in my book is not near as nice as "any" elk. Go to Colorado and hunt elk, deer are everywhere elk are special !!
Now before you deer hunters squash me its just my passion,m as you all know :grin: :grin: !!!!!
ELK! Love to hunt deer and love deer meat. Love to hunt elk and love elk meat. Elk more meat! Yes elk are a special creature too! :)