Hiker killed by bear

I was once told by A New Jersey State trooper that it was better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 in reference to carrying a hand gun in New Jersey. :mrgreen:
Not making light of a tragedy but perhaps they should take a page from the AK book... "Don't take granola to a bear fight"

Sometimes the bear wins, but shooting beats running in circles!
Even if a handgun can't be carried, due to the silliness of the laws in the Communist Republic of New Jersey, what about bear spray?

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Vince, you're right. Bear spray may well have saved a life. All joking aside, it's proven to be pretty effective.

Grizzlies (and black bears) are very intelligent; they learn quickly and appear capable of communicating knowledge concerning food to their young. They need to be hunted to instill a healthy fear of man in them.
Looks as if there is a pretty large population of grizzlies in that area. Moreover, because they are not hunted, they tend toward aggression. Anticipate more human/bear interactions with potentially lethal consequences for one or the other, or both.
I've hunted mule deer in that area between Cody & Yellowstone.

Yes, there are a lot of grizzlies there, and they truly think they're King of the Earth.

Really needs to be a hunting season to teach 'em a little respect. Or there will just be more and more of these incidents as the population continues to outgrow Yellowstone's ability to support them all.

Every rancher and hunter I spoke with in the Cody area had a grizzly story or two for me.
