Hit the range today!!!


Dec 2, 2010
Well I shot a few rifles today and it went from great to great to WTH to great.

The 22-250 likes IMR 4064 and 55gr V-max bullets.


The last 5 range trips show 36.0 as the best load every time out. Now I am going to play with 35.9/36.0/36.1 and then play with seating depth.


Next was the .338WM with 210PT and 75gr of RL19=1.136" I am going to load up a few more to shoot at 200. As of now I have it hitting 1.5" high at 100 so it should be close at 200.


I think it is ready to deer hunt!!!

3rd up was the 6.5 Grendel. First 3 shots measured .454". I walked down the range to let it cool and to look at the target came back and looked through the scope to see black. I tapped the scope and heard it rattle from there I see the lense move. So the Vortex Crossfire is dead after 1 year of shooting at the range on top of a 6.5 Grendel that has very little recoil.


I was planning on upgrading but now I guess I will be doing so sooner than later. I am calling on it tomorrow. I think they have a 100% exchange policy.

Last up was the 50cal TC Hawken. Last year I had troubles with it but after 4 shots, I got it back on target. The ram target was at 50 yards and the circle target was at 100 and my last 2 shots of the day.

One thing I forgot to mention. I was going to shoot the .338. I had it on the bags, dry fired it, opened the bolt and grabbed a round only to look up and see 2 deer jump infront to the target. One was a little 6pt. At that point, I knew that this rifle will hunt this fall.
With the way the 338 is shooting it will do more than hunt. Very fine shooting indeed. Sorry to hear about the scope but ship happens from time to time.

Excellent shooting, WT. Vortex should make it good on your Crossfire.
I am looking forward to calling them tomorrow and seeing if I could maybe upgrade on the scope or if I have to get the same kind. Thanks for the kind words.

One thing I have noticed about the .338 is that the last 3 cold bore shots were in the same spot on the target. I wish I would have kept the other 2 targets to compare the last 3 cold bore shots. I am having a blast shooting the .338!!
No complaints there. That 22-250 is smoking. If I can get mine to shoot like that I'll be happy. Just gonna be tough to wean her off these factories at .075"!
Great shooting WT with the 338, I think you are there with that rifle buddy, like Bill said, that load would not let you down for any hunting we are likely to do, anywhere! It is a powerful combo for sure! Way to go!
Other than the scope I see few if any problems with any of the rifles. Great groups, if any game is missed it won't be the rifle's fault. Thanks for posting.
WT, that is some nice shooting. I believe Vortex has a very good track record with their warranty. A local shop I frequent said if ever I had a problem with a Vortex scope I could bring it back to them and they would hand me a new box off of their shelf. They wouldn't do the same for any of the other big name optic companies that they sold. I am sure you will be treated right by Vortex.
Be sure to post Vortex's response. They are very vocal about their "VIP" service, and I would love to hear of someone confirming that level of support.
I called Monday morning and talked to a nice lady. She said mail the scope with a PDF form. From there they will fix it, replace it with the same kind, or replace it with a scope that is very close to mine if it discontinnued. I mailed it that afternoon. She said if they can fix it, it should be back in the mail within a week or two. There was not a questioned asked and she said sorry a few times. I will reply when I get it back in my hands.
If you've lost confidence in the Crossfire, CLNY has the 2-7x32 Viper on sale right now for $199...