
The area will continue in a state of flux until there is a major blow-up. Syria is the latest in an unending story of Muslim turmoil. Tragically, their rage tends to draw the rest of the world into their conflicts.
It all just seemed to coincidental with all that is going on in Syria. On the surface, it looks like a botched plan to get NATO involved in Syria to me.
Like DrMike, I am just glad that they are venting their rage, ignorance and racial intolerance towards another Arab sect insted of the US. What is Assad going to do when the US is no longer the aggressor? I guess that he can start a war with Hamas!

Dave, I suspect that you are correct, Turkey is the nearest Nato ally nearby to drag into his conflict. None of these tempest teapot, dictators ever seem to see straight about who they are picking fights with. Turkey, by themselves, could clean Assad's clock, try him and hang him and Mrs. Assad in maybe a week!