Home-made case tumbler???


Oct 25, 2005
Well christmas shopping has officially flattened my wallet and i need a case tumbler and was wondering if anyone had any ideas we could build using regular household items? any far-fetched ideas are more than welcome. lol
One hand case, other hand brush. Just kidding, maybe an old rock tumbler like sears use to sell in those little rock polishing kits. ?
Any high speed, small electric motor with a counter weight or ecentric on the shaft will vibrate, then attach a rubbermaid container, or bucket to it.
Be creative, good luck.
cant remember the correct mix,but vinegar,h2o and a dash of salt. try on a few old cases first.
stir cases in vinegar for 10 minutes

then water for 10 minutes.

dump onto an old towel

q-tip the primer pocket while still wet

then take the bottom part of Lee's case trimmer (the holder) and chuck
it in a drill and use 0000 steel wool or a nylon scrubby to polish it up.
I tried making one out of $6.00 breadmaker from goodwill, cases jammed under mixer. I ended up spending more trying to make one work and more time down the toilet than if i would have just bought one. It was fun to try, though. Good luck to you if you decide to give it a go.
