Born on the floor


Feb 7, 2022
The weekend was surreal in the NHenry household.

Friday’s workday went without any problems. Got home at 5:40, drank a quart of water, planned to go on a walk with my daughter and very pregnant wife.

Before we actually went on said walk, at 6:37 my wife started having pretty sudden and intense contractions. Walk delayed. She was working through her contractions, thinking they were just pain she’s been having pretty much since the second trimester (spoiler warning: they were not). Her amazing doula came to our place at 7:30 and helped her more than I could at the moment.

Over the course of the next 45 minutes, her contractions got a whole lot more painful and close together, but they weren’t going any lower so we stayed put since she wasn’t feeling anything in her pelvis yet.

At 8:20, right as we were planning to go to the birth center, my wife exclaimed, “my water broke!” Within 10 seconds after that, she said she needed to push. Change of plans. Doula got her pants off, wife laid on the living room floor, and literally 5 seconds later my son’s head made an appearance. She was screaming, my daughter was screaming, doula and I were yelling and trying to listen to the dispatch, and the poor dispatch lady on the phone probably downed a bottle that night.

I had her head and hands and supported her the best I could while also calling 911 because the lad’s shoulders were stuck. Doula was trying to catch the baby and she did the absolute best she could until they arrived.

EMTs got here 6 minutes later, and at 8:30 PM on June 28, the boy was in his mother’s arms on our living room carpet.

They took us to the hospital in an ambulance and we stayed there until Sunday afternoon when we got to come home.

He’s a healthy, bright eyed, little champ; his mom’s a rockstar.

Welcome to the world, Samuel Mark.

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Congratulations! What an exciting evening that was! Glad everything ended well.
Wow, Noah! Yes, congratulations to your wife and to you. Such a handsome little guy.
Congratulations! Welcome to the world little man!

My wife and I were blessed with a healthy little girl back in May!!
I won’t comment on looks because I could never figure out what makes a newborn good looking. I will ask what his first centerfire rifle is going to be?
