Hows Deer Season Been This Year

I have passed on quiet few small bucks, one really nice 2 1/2 year old 8 point, with really long tines. Messed up on a decent 3 1/2 year old 10 point and let him get to within 11 yards of me with no shots fired :oops:

I did take an old doe with my new .280Remington and a 160 grain AccuBond, my first handload kill. Hoping to get in at least one more late season muzzleloader hunt, I need some more meat.
Although pretty banged up and recovering from surgery, I was able to do a little hunting with family and friends. Then with their help, I managed to tag a nice young mulie buck with a tall 4x4 rack.


It wasn't the season I'd planned, but in the end it worked out just fine.

The season is long since over, but this morning I found mulie tracks all over the place in the fresh snow on my front yard and driveway. :grin: Love watching those things...

I hope everyone enjoyed their deer hunting this year - or if your season is still open - I hope you're still enjoying it!

Regards, Guy
Shot him with my .25-06, which has become my favorite deer rifle over the past few years. Virtually no recoil, and it smacks mulies down like they were hit by lightning. Have only shot two mulies with it, and it put 'em both down Right Now. Also use it for winter coyotes and springtime rockchucks.
I did my part to leave a few for seed in California and Idaho, all of them in fact. But wait till next year by golly!! :(
Good hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
All in all, I had a great year with the deer. I put down a 4x4 whitetail buck and a doe with my 25 06, and a 5x5 mule buck and doe with the 270 Weatherby magnum. Total count, 4. There were more tags available, but I didn't want to be greedy! :)
I shot two freezer bucks, one with mt 280AI and the other with my T/C Omega. I passed up several small bucks with the bow behind my house.
I have a few days left in our late doe season and I am hunting one very large doe with my S&W629 Classic in 44 Mag.

Not real well here in western PA...saw a decent 6-8 pt. whitetail that I could have dropped but tried getting my son to get the shot...he wasn't able to.

I got a button buck with my .280 and 140 gr. Solid Base at about 30 yards.

Spent the last day of PA rifle season without ever seeing a deer and yesterdays 1st Saturday of Flintlock season without seeing a deer. Two full days in the woods w/o seeing a deer gets dis-heartening.

I just need one more to try out the new electric grinder and bolgna recipe.

I am now hunting "Bologna On The Hoof"...2 Saturdays to go...
Wasn't able to go this weekend even though we got 1 month left,but 3 of my grandsons made up for that. On Friday my one grandson killed a 5" spike with his .270 that he got for Christmas and on Saturday,one of my grandsons killed a 8 point with his 30-30 and my other grandson killed a 4" spike with a .308. All in all this was a good weekend.

Noslers Rock!
I havent seen a deer on our place this whole year! But out where I guide in west Texas we had a hunter shoot a real nice 5x5 mulie, it was 29 1/2" wide and scored 191, and we passed up a good number of bucks that were in the 22-24" range and passed up one that was about 27 inches because the hunter wanted a typical mulie buck, It didnt have browtines was the problem! Its hard to watch the deer and not get to shoot any!
No time to bowhunt this year and have had bad luck in PA over the last couple of years.

I made two brief trips to N. Carolina and filled all 6 deer tags! I shot 2 bucks and 4 doe. Longest buck kill was @ 469 yds using a 162 gr A-Max out of my 7STW. 3 other deer were killed at over 300yds.

I've never killed that many deer in a single season and don't use that much venison. However, I met several shooters who had a lean year and they were very gratful for the donated deer. I kept a big 7 pointer for myself. Backstraps are marinating as we speak. :grin:
Tagged 208 Lb, 8 PT, 19" inside spread, heavy rack Buck.

175 yards, running away in tall grass. Bullet entracne was just off of center on the back and was found in the very front of the rib cage.

7mm-08, 140 grain Nosler Solid Base. PERFECT bullet performance.

Always have success with the Nosler Solid Base.