Hunting Choices

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
More and more we have to decide out priorities when putting in for our (difficult to draw) tags. It used to be that we could choose to hunt elk, deer, antelope and bear at the same time. Now, with the universal adoption of lottery drawings it's "REAL" hard to co-incide hunts.
The question now is: What is your priority in applying? This includes applying for more than one hunt and knowing that if you get drawn for 2 or more of your applications you'll have to give up a hunt or two.
I'll start:
In 2004 I put in for California cow elk, California X6B which is a top zone for deer and at a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation banquet I bid cheap on my first ever "guided elk hunt in Colorado". Figuring, of course, that none of these would actually pan out. I got all 3 :shock:
I gave up the deer tag and hunted elk twice. I havn't drawn for anything worth a darn since then. I know there are companies that will apply for a bunch of hunts for you if you employ there services.
What are your priorities?? :roll:
Mule deer. Always mule deer... :grin:

Unless of course I get drawn for one of those "once in a lifetime" sheep, goat or moose tags here in Washington...
Being an Idaho resident, I get spoiled. Each year, I can hunt elk, deer, and bear concurrently. In addition, if I get drawn for a moose tag, I can add that to the above list of animals that have over-lapping seasons.
I dread the thought that I would have to move from where I am and be compelled to make choices. However, the choices available throughout the states are certainly greater than when I was a boy. Growing up in Kansas, there were no dear or turkey, and now...
I always get a pronghorn tag usually doe, and most times I draw a deer tag again a doe. Elk and Moose is a different story all together. I've got the points to draw moose but still only around a 1% chance to draw in most areas. Elk I know I need at least 16 points for the area I want to hunt and I'm at 5, but at least I can do a cow hunt OTC.

I love trophies but really it is about the hunt for me. I'll take a freezer full of meat and memories shared with good friends over any antlers on the wall any day. Not that I'd ever turn down a great set of antlers! :grin:
Well in Michigan it is deer. I've drawn for bear twice (both times I put in) but never saw a really nice one. And I figure one bear would be enough for me so I will probably try again next year.

If I go to Wy again someday, it would be for either whitetail or pronghorns.

Idaho has provided hunt opportunities for over the counter elk which is my favorite game. They eliminated the cow hunt in my favorite area, thanks to the wolves, but Bull elk are still on the menu :grin:
Maybe I can swing a deer tag. Just being there makes it all ok. success or not :wink:
Greg Nolan":3ulth6ip said:
Idaho has provided hunt opportunities for over the counter elk which is my favorite game. They eliminated the cow hunt in my favorite area, thanks to the wolves, but Bull elk are still on the menu :grin:
Maybe I can swing a deer tag. Just being there makes it all ok. success or not :wink:
Amen ! and I am needin it bad NOW! Are we there yet? :grin:
What we need are some wolf tags... :grin:

I could use a big ol' wolf rug on the wall. Or more than one...
We're getting closer JD :grin: I swear I hear bugles in my sleep. 8)

I wonder how many wolves it would take for wall to wall carpeting in my hunting room :twisted: Or maybe one big one in front of the door to wipe my feet on :wink: