Idaho hunt

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
This is the update on the Idaho mule deer/elk hunt in the Stanley/Challis area that JDMAG and I are on. JDMAG got a 3 point Mule deer today. It was one of those (dream) shots at about 700 yards in a 50 mph. crosswind during a thunderstorm things. The drag out was tougher than the shot but it was a bang/flop in the picturesque Blowfly Creek drainage.
The paid political announcement being over it was about a 50 yard shot that really did nail the buck with one shot. Pictures included.

Goodness - it's a monster! :grin:

Hey, that's pretty cool. Nice little buck and wow... 700 yards in a 50 mph wind? I heard it was blowing more like 70 mph over there. Must have waited for a lull in the wind... :wink:

Congrats guys. Looks like you're having fun!
HE took the picture just as the lightening flashed! its amazing, it looks just like sun shine! :shock: :grin: We're having a great time! I also saw my first wolf track this morning! :? Elk starts Thursday!
Nice work, JD and Greg! I'm jealous. I'll be really jealous if you drop a couple of elk, too.

I hope the trip is all you were expecting and then some, JD. You are a great hunter and friend, Greg, for helping out us easterners like you're doing.
Congratulations, fellows. JDMAG, it is always sweet to get game on the ground. Surprised that deer was strolling about with all the lightning flashing and thunder crashing!!! :lol: :lol:

Keep the pictures coming, guys.
I know exactly what you mean with all those long shots :wink: but it does not matter as you are in a beautiful place hopefully no phones ringing and just have a great time.

Congratulations to the both of you. Nice shooting JDMAG.

That is great, any buck is a good buck and in Idaho, you pretty much earn every buck you kill. Congrats. Glad that new 7 Mag is working out for you. Get at them elk. Looking forward to the pictures. One of my friends is hunting in the same area, just got back from Afghanistan, so watch out for him, he is probably as giddy as a kid in a candy store. Scotty
Well today we got to the top before any one else showed up. we had elk bugling below us and I had elk within 50 yards of me but I couldn't see them for the fog. after a great hunt, we went and caught somewhere around 50 trout from the salmon river. rainbow, cut bow, brook, cut throat , all out of the same piece of water and all about 10 to 14 inches. can't keep anything but hatchery fish, but my license is good for 3 days, so maybe we'll have fish for supper soon. Greg is an awsome guide!
Hey, you are living the dream. That is great that you have this opportunity. We're still pulling for elk on the ground.
That is awesome. Sounds like a good day to me. Fish and bugling Elk. Don't get much better than that. Scotty