
I am loading 72 gr or the RL 19 with the 160 AB. Very accurate, shows no pressure and as is probably near 3000. I have flat run out of time for further load developement this fall. I want to run some loads using 175's in the Nosler cases. Then the Remington cases with the AB and of course the 175 PT's. I see my self moving up to the 175's next year. I have 80 of the same lot of Remington and 40 Nosler cases.
Bill, one thing that you might consider after hunting season is over, is buying a 7mm STW Bench Rest Sizing neck or full length die from Forster. I did this for my 7mm Rem Mag (and .340 Mag) to better straighten out the TIR (run out) for my magnum rifles case necks because the carbide sizer button in the Forster die is placed just right under the throat of the neck sizing bore in the sizer die. This means that the top end of the case neck is still in the sizer die when the sizer ball starts opening up the case neck from the bottom. This alignment has really helped reduce runout in all of the calibers which I have converted to Forster sizing dies but especially so in the belted cases. Just something to think about.
Oldtrader3":3ixu6wxu said:
Bill, one thing that you might consider after hunting season is over, is buying a 7mm STW Bench Rest Sizing neck or full length die from Forster. I did this for my 7mm Rem Mag (and .340 Mag) to better straighten out the TIR (run out) for my magnum rifles case necks because the carbide sizer button in the Forster die is placed just right under the throat of the neck sizing bore in the sizer die. This means that the top end of the case neck is still in the sizer die when the sizer ball starts opening up the case neck from the bottom. This alignment has really helped reduce runout in all of the calibers which I have converted to Forster sizing dies but especially so in the belted cases. Just something to think about.

I will slowly but surely start switching to Forster resizing dies as I go along. They are some great dies. Scotty