In my mind these are the best trophies I've taken


Nov 19, 2008




This is My 10 year old daughter and my Fiance's 15 year old son on youth weekend.
That's awsome. My son turns 9 this next year and I hope to get him into hunters safety this summer so maybe we can start hunting together. Great trophies you have there.

Nicely done cottonman1973.

Congratulations on a nice looking family.

The bonds we make with our children can never start to early. Congrats on seeing them for what they are, some men never do.


Congrats on keeping the young ones out in the field ! Can't think of a better way to spend a T-giving afternoon.
Those are some happy faces! And those trophies,unlike the ones on the wall keep getting better every year. and will do so for ever!
Great job.
Congrats and you all sure do look happy about the hunting adventure together.
My daughter says she is trophy hunting now since she's already got a doe and a spike....... Said she's holding out for an 8 point. We going on a friends farm tom., he wants 20 more does shot so we are going to help him out, and there is a good chance we will see her an 8 point
Best of luck to her. I hope she gets a big 8 point buck. :grin:

My best hunts were with my kids & it will be the same for you. I wish you many hunts to come. My kids are grown now & we still talk about those hunts.

This is her deer from this afternoon, 166 yards with a 7mm-08 with a 140 BT, dropped her on the spot.
Awesome CottonMan, I can relate... Thanks for sharing..

And as a side note, you did not lose a favorite rifle to your kid, you just got a reason to get new one... :lol:

Actually Nodak, I found it in the tradewins magazine here in Ms and bought it just for her. It is a Weatherby Vangaurd youth rifle with a Nikon 3x9 prostaff on it, it is a sweet shooting little gun.