In Praise of the Howa!


Dec 17, 2005
For wife, Storm, I bought a Howa rifle last year, chambered for 7mm-08. I created two loads, one for deer and the othe for wild pigs. Both have performed well. I loaded up the 120gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip to an average of 3028 FPS. The 140gr. Nosler Partition is going out at an average of 2721. She used the 140gr bullet on the pig and for all others, the 120gr. bullet. I could boost the MV, but for her, I am happy with the MV that I have attained.
I worked up slowly, making certain that Storm was not put off by recoil. She can go through a box of either load at the range and not hurt nor begin to flinch, as I watch her closely. Sometimes, I load single rounds from behind her and give her an empty case on occasion, just to check and see if she is beginning to flinch. So far, so good! She has taken one of each, mule deer, whitetail, antelope and wild pig. All one shot kills. Needless to say, she loves her Howa rifle. I had gotten the package with two stocks and at 5' 2", she uses the "Youth Stock".
The Howa is a fine shooter and a great value. I recommend the Howa for anyone looking for a hunting rifle. Once I got to the right MV, there was no issue with accuracy. For Storm, the short stock comes up and shoulders without trying.
That is a great report, Steven. Howa does make a fine rifle; all that I've shot were more than up to the task assigned.
Steven - agree - Howa makes an excellent rifle, and Storm sure does know how to use it!

Seems to me that she had a buck in camp well before you or me, and hers turned out to be the biggest too... Sigh...

Good rifle. You touched on an important point - stock fit. A lot of riflemen seem to ignore that and just try to adapt to whatever stock comes on the rifle. You did well putting that smaller stock on her Howa.

That 120 gr Nosler B-Tip bullet worked out great!

Howa makes a fine rifle....and under appreciated in the US whether in Howa or Vanguard form.

The samples I've had were real shooters and exhibited excellent machine work.