Is the Gov shutdown going to ruin anyone elses hunts?


Apr 10, 2011
I stumbled across this thread and wondered if any members here have hunting plans that may be effected. ... mt-reopens

I will be heading west in a couple of weeks like many others unless this puts a stop to the area we have picked out. Very frustrated to say the least! My sympathies to anyone who has already been effected by this political power struggle.
Barry is vindictive as ever a man could be. He wants people to hurt so they will attack the Repubs. Hopefully, this will turn out bad for the Dems; couldn't happen to a better group.
I'm one of those "essential" employees that has to go to work and not get paid.

I'm going AWOL when it's time for my deer hunt. Work does not stand in the way of my hunting. My leave was approved prior to this shutdown and my boss has given me the option of working or taking a week off to hunt. I'm hunting.
I really don't want to be charged with trespassing but how does a government by the people and for the people get away with telling the people they have no right to use something that was set aside specifically for the people's use. I really don't want to cancel a hunt because a politician says i can't set foot on federal land.
From what I know forest service land is still open.

This is just the Kenyan trying to make us all suffer because we dare to question is almighty majesty.
Vince":14hlpgrq said:
From what I know forest service land is still open.

This is just the Kenyan trying to make us all suffer because we dare to question is almighty majesty.

Good observation!
There is a good discussion on this on Eastman's forum I was reading if anyone is interested. Sounds like BLM is going to stay open but some Federally run camping areas and roads may shut down. I'm not totally up to speed on it like some of them, best check it out yourselves. They had some good links to government sites with information.

I'd like to think that in most western states state employed game wardens would use some reason when dealing with a hunter who had purchased the proper tag for the proper season and was hunting in the right unit. Never know though.

I firmly believe that the President is making the shut down as painful as possible for political reasons. I really think the Democrats in DC wanted it to happen to take the focus off the other problems the country is facing. Now they will blame everything that goes wrong with the economy or anything else on the GOP using the shutdown as the reason. The president was silent on gun control until he was re-elected now he has nothing to lose and look what has happened. I trust nothing he says. of last week, everyone in my military unit has to request all leave from my squadron commander then he has to submit the request to the group commander for approval/denial. I have a bull and cow elk tag for Nov 2-10th. My commander knows I already got a bear and a deer with my bow, so we'll see. Bad timing with the season less than a month away.
One thing to remember is our constitution only permits the federal government to own the DC, Military instalations on Postal property. All or everything else is public land set aside for our use,National forest included. They claim closer because they don't have any one patroling to make sure you don't do anything illegal or get lost or injured and need to be evactuated out.
I hope it gets sorted out, but I am not surprised. This is a long time in coming. Just a ploy, but a dangerous one. Alot of Government workers have a very big dog in the fight as far as national security.
truck driver":19syjjgc said:
One thing to remember is our constitution only permits the federal government to own the DC, Military instalations on Postal property. All or everything else is public land set aside for our use,National forest included. They claim closer because they don't have any one patroling to make sure you don't do anything illegal or get lost or injured and need to be evactuated out.

Seems pretty clear the United States is allowed to own lands.

Article IV, Section 3
The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States;
Obama does not have the authority to close the Parks and Recreation Service to customers who have paid revenues for licenses that he as president does not control. Obama has exceeded his authority as President and has no right to do many of the things that he is doing. Besides, Obama has committed treason against the United States with his actions of arming the rebels in Bengazi. Obama also has no authority to restrict people from living in their homes near public parks and lands and he has no authority to confiscate private homes for this reason. He needs to be arrested and be impeached for his actions against the American people.
My wife had an excellent idea a few days ago:

open the government back up until the elections and then let the people decide:
-Deb Ceiling
-How much we get involved with foreign countries
-impeachment of the president

Have each party come up with 2-3 options for the ballot and spend the next month educating their constituents. Granted some results might not turn out how I would like them but at least it would be the people voting (and probably in record numbers)
tim629":2yb31u8u said:
My wife had an excellent idea a few days ago:

open the government back up until the elections and then let the people decide:
-Deb Ceiling
-How much we get involved with foreign countries
-impeachment of the president

Have each party come up with 2-3 options for the ballot and spend the next month educating their constituents. Granted some results might not turn out how I would like them but at least it would be the people voting (and probably in record numbers)

That'll never happen, but I like the idea. As it is, the politicians will promise whatever they think people want, and then do what they want after drinking the waters of the Potomac.
National Forests, All BLM land and all guide activity on these lands for fishing and hunting has been closed until further notice. What this means is no hunting on Federal lands (National Forests and BLM).

Any idiot who would go to the trouble of covering Mount Rushmore with canvas held by helicopters from the Forest Service is a mean snotty little s__t, stamping his wittle feet to get his way.

I mean, the weasel is looking at confiscating deposits in FDIC insured banks now. What are you going to do if he takes your money?
I am headed to Wyoming on Thursday, I am not worried at all. Public roads and Public lands are just that public. Campgrounds will be closed but they usually are anyway
Elkman":3tjosfto said:
I am headed to Wyoming on Thursday, I am not worried at all. Public roads and Public lands are just that public. Campgrounds will be closed but they usually are anyway

I was pretty sure nothing would stop you from elk hunting anyhow.... :lol:
Lord help the LEO that attempts to enforce tyranny while I'm on my hunt.