Is this true?


Oct 21, 2010
Long Range Hunting"
Latin for "I suck so bad at woodsmanship I can't get any closer than 1300yds :lol:
Nah, just a different way of hunting. Can't bash other hunters, we are all under the gun. Gotta stick together and support each other. Some folks don't like bowhunters, but we gotta stick together as one group, if we don't they will go at us all one at a time! Scott
I saw it on another forum... thought it was funny. I'm into longrange hunting too. :wink:
beretzs":1b8orbex said:
Nah, just a different way of hunting. Can't bash other hunters, we are all under the gun. Gotta stick together and support each other. Some folks don't like bowhunters, but we gotta stick together as one group, if we don't they will go at us all one at a time! Scott

I agree unless they are using Matchkings....

Sorry could not resist :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
No sweat. I agree, but I know alot of folks might have a problem with the way I hunt. Gotta keep an open mind. I would have NEVER thought I would have hunted deer with dogs, but my hunting partner and Brian (Woodycreek) showed me the actual hunting part of it. Pretty good stuff. Would have never been part of it, if I hadn't of kept an open mind to it all. Scotty

I do agree on Matchkings though! Stick to hunting bullets, there are too many good ones to not use them!
Anathematizing subsets of the hunting fraternity is a common ploy of anti-hunters and those seeking gun bans to accomplish their goals. We need to be careful to avoid condemning a practise simply because it is different. So long as a means of hunting is legal and ethical, we need to keep an open mind. It is too easy to become a critic of good people only to discover that our opposition was used to destroy not only the means employed by those individuals to fulfil their goals, but ultimately to destroy the means of hunting that we enjoy. Good call, Scotty.
I am open and support all sensible hunting.
What peeves me off the most are the following... from another forum BTW.

Situation 1. "Got my elk at 450 yards this year. Next year I will be looking for a 800 yard shot!"

also from another forum....

Situation 2. "Shot at elk at xxxx yards (yes it was well in the 4 digit range) .... aimed behind the shoulder and got it in the head"

Then a plethora of congratulatory posts came along "praising his ability and his manhood".

My beliefs on these.

1. OK. You do NOT go looking for long range on purpose in my book. It is great to be proficient and to make a shot but not to stroke your ego or have others do the same. If you can get closer then do so!!!!!

2. If you aimed behind the shoulder and hit the head then you missed. Period! You screwed the pooch! Nothing to be proud of and certainly nothing to brag about. To me both you and your supporters are idiots.
To me both you and your supporters are idiots.

who me? :| :mrgreen:
If you aimed behind the shoulder and hit the head then you missed. Period! You screwed the pooch! Nothing to be proud of and certainly nothing to brag about.

I am of the mind that ther are many different types of hunting. As long as it is ethical I don't really care what another person does. I always try to get my game within my proven effective range. I shoot 12" steel gongs off shooting sticks for practice. If I can hit the gong three for three on several different days, in several different conditions, then I move out 100 yards a try again. I DO NOT think of myself as a long range hunter. I enjoy the stalk very much. Do I enjoy knowing that I can ethically take big game out to 450 yards in the right conditions, yes, but if I can get closer I'm going to.

Pop- I am guilt of doing situation #1, only on yotes, and on this forum (did not think you were attacking me with your comments). I would never try to take a big game animal at those ranges. I'm not set up to do so. Situation #2 drives me nuts as well. If you didn't hit where you were aiming, YOU MISSED! I agree with you on both, with the exception of vermin.

Dr. Mike is right. Stick to gether and be ethical hunters, no matter what your method.

Scotty, you hunt deer with dogs? How does that work?
I was also talking bout big game. I use prairie dogs for LR practice too.
Yeah, I had a guy give me grief for shooting my bear at a bit over 300 yards with my .375 this year. Dang, I was pleased with the shot. I'd practiced it all summer, and was pleased as heck to pull it off with a bear in the crosshairs!

He should have seen the mule deer at 400 yards last year, with the .25-06 in Wyoming! And that was barely scratching the surface of long range hunting...

"Long range" means different things to different people. I've got a personal limit of about 600 yards seeing that is as far as I can reliably practice at my gun club. We do have a couple of gongs out farther - but using them is a sometime thing. I can almost always use the 600 yard range.

Regards, Guy
Good Point on that Pop. Don't see the need to take some of those shots. Cool to have the ability to do it, but to look for them is a little crazy I think. Scotty

Jake, I am a relative newbie to hunting deer with dogs. Did a little last year and some this year. Basically, it is like driving or pushing bush, but instead of people walking the bush, hounds move through it and push the deer towards people standing at the edge of the cover. It is pretty fun, and if you ever saw parts of Virginia or NC or even Ga, you would see why folks use dogs. It is like triple canopy pine tree jungles! No man in his right mind would ever try crawling through it. Brian *Woodycreek" is the man to really ask. He knows it in and out. Like I said, I never, ever, ever thought I would like it, or have fun, but it is a different kind of hunting and just another tool to put in our hunting tool box. Scotty
beretzs":2xqbwz5k said:
Nah, just a different way of hunting. Can't bash other hunters, we are all under the gun. Gotta stick together and support each other. Some folks don't like bowhunters, but we gotta stick together as one group, if we don't they will go at us all one at a time! Scott
+1 to Scott. We have to stick together as a group.
Iam with you fellas, so long as its legal and ethical.

Most of us here do a fair amount of shooting. Its the nim rod who shoots a box of shells a week before season that grinds me. Then he uses his B C reticle to shoot 400 yards!

How about....

"I am ready! My gunsmith boresighted my rifle!" (However no range time to verify zero).

Man, how many times have I heard that!
Just had that happen last week. A friend called me for help and I agreeded to meet him at his range.

First a M700 30-06 with an old Weaver K-4 scope which I had to mount, bore sight and zero at 100 yds. He was all over the paper.

Now the shotgun. Mossberg with a slug barrel shooting 3" Lightfield slugs. Scope was a cheap Bushnell tactical looking slug gun scope. He had already told me he couldn,t get it zero and his shoulder hurt for days. He had a gunshop bore sight it and he wanted me to shoot it. I told him go ahead and he said its ok since its been bore sighted. Well he ended up getting it on paper at 25 yds and called it good for 100 yds because the box showed the trajectory as 25 and 100 yd zeros.
The real shame is that the shotgun was going to be used by his 12 year old son on his first deer hunt.

I just don't get it...

Some people are just more informed than we are Jim! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Great topic... Being a flat-lander, it really helps me to shoot prairie dogs and belding squirrels in SD and California to keep my eyes sharp on judgeing distances in the open areas out west. Even though you may be shooting different caliber rifles for the application (big game), the practice keeps you tuned in. The main point is, spend time behind the trigger, know you and your rifle's (caliber) limitations, basic understanding of ballistics, treat the game you are hunting/shooting with enough respect to allow for quick humane kills. These are the rules I follow whenever I am hunting big game. I have have been known to stretch my skill when shooting at "skippy" on the plains of South Dakota :lol: .