Its up on Remingtons web

Ah no... I have decided I don't NEED or WANT any more rifles... Then Remington decides to build a .257 Weatherby mag and put it in a laminated stock... A perfect mountain rifle for those high-country mulies I love to chase...

Put a 3.5-10x Leupold on that thing, and sight it in with good Nosler bullets, then hunt merrily away for decades...

No. No. NO! I don't NEED or WANT any more rifles!!!

Except maybe this one. Dang... :roll:
That is a beautiful rifle. And some of you that know me also realize that I seem to have a weakness for stainless and gray laminate!

Come on Guy,
its only one little rifle, you know you want it . You can be the first one on the block to own one and everybody will look up to you and admire you and want to be like you. Those other rifles you own are old and out dated. This one is new and pretty. Just go buy it , it will be ok.....
It is a beautiful rifle but I could think of many calibers that IMO would be better. But since I don't own Remington :roll: .

I have a feeling this is only the re-beginning of the LSS dynasty that will eventually include all our favorite calibers. Remington has been close to the public opinion polls and has (I think) locked on to the cries of the LSS crowd. I could very well be wrong BUT Why are they re-introducing it in a cool "caliber of the year"?? I'll buy one (or two) in a caliber comming to a theater near you soon!
OK! So I may be into wishfull thinking but "What If" :)

If you're old enough to understand the " Comming to a theater near you soon" you'll know how things re surge if they are popular enough to bring new profits.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Hmmmm....I'd just as soon hunt with a hunt with a skinny barreled rifle! When I get to where I can't tote my rifle.....I'll stay at the house! So 68 years of age....I can still climb to 9000' with a 10# rifle with a decent weighted barrel on it!! :lol: :lol:
Sharpsman":3nt5vxyy said:
Hmmmm....I'd just as soon hunt with a hunt with a skinny barreled rifle! When I get to where I can't tote my rifle.....I'll stay at the house! So 68 years of age....I can still climb to 9000' with a 10# rifle with a decent weighted barrel on it!! :lol: :lol:

I would much prefer the Sendero in 257Wea & a fluted CDL as second choice, but I could live with this if it is a med. contour I guess.

I hunt with my Senderos alot & people on the net keep telling me they are too heavy, good to see a like minded person. Oh ya, I am just a pup, I am 54.
I am planing an F class/Tactical rifle,and have been thinking if I want to carry it around to hunt with also.You guys are helping make up my mind :)
Yep! You're not but 15.5 miles south of Big Mo!! I hunt each fall at Sumner, Missouri; bout halfway twixt KC and St. Louis, and then about 40 miles north. Right off the NW corner of Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge! Big bucks up that way for sure!! :lol: :lol:
Hmmmmmmm? Taken from the first link above "Extremely Light" & "7 5/8lbs".

Somehow those two don't belong in the same ad. :roll:

There are factory rifles already available in the 6lb class and customs in the 5lb class. Actually, I thought Weatherby had a production rifle in the 5's.
Now why weren't either the .264 or .257 CDL's available this past year?!? My choice to buy a .257 in the Mark V Fibermark would have been a different one, if they had...

I wanted a Weatherby for a long time, but I don't think that I will be lusting for one now... Enjoying my 25-06 Sako 85 (SS, grey laminate) too much. Have to admit that I was a little dubious about that skinny little barrel at first but it has proven to be a shooter.

Cheers :)