Just a little extra work - 338Win Mag


Dec 26, 2007
Just a little extra work and things really pay off. GB300wm and I went to the range to shoot and break in his 388Win Mag Stainless Vanguard. I was tweaking my load looking for more and did I ever get it.

Using Remington Brass, Rem 9 1/2M primers, 210gr Partition and IMR4350 I was able to get 3041fps with not pressures over max. I shot a 1 7/8" group but as you will see in the picture that it can be a better group. The two bullet holes close to each other did not have a big spread in velocity but were very close. The hole farther away was 47fps slower and that was due to me not measuring my powder charge as I should and also rushing my shot. Also, I set the OAL by accident to 3.294 instead of 3.300 and once I make the corrections in making sure every case is exact in powder charge and OAL is right, I will tighten this group up for sure.

Here is the brass showing that I am not over max pressure.

Here is the group.

Anyway you want to cut it this is trucking and gives me 4312ft pounds of energy, giving me at 2 1/2 high at 100 yds a 250yd zero, good with center hold out to 370yds, then on top of shoulder good to 460yds
jmad_81":3gqhv5sr said:
Gotta love it!
It will be good to see your final results.

jmad, I don't expect it to be much different than this following target or my experience through the years has fooled me. It will be better or pretty darn close to this target I shot last week.

go bullet go! :grin:
With that load and bullet, there are not too many animals on the globe that can't be dispatched.

str8meat":39rd897t said:
grains of 4350 ?

Start at 71grs and work up in half grain steps. I will not post my actual load due to the fact that every rifle is different and if you use different brass you could reach max pressures before you get the fps I got.
Great info Bullet, I just happen to have an unopened box of 210 partitions same powder and a vanguard in 338. Time to play
Hank Hunter":k9gw1vhs said:
Great info Bullet, I just happen to have an unopened box of 210 partitions same powder and a vanguard in 338. Time to play

Make sure you weigh your bullets and load those that weigh the same and you must use Remington Brass and Remington 9 1/2M primers or you will reach max before you reach the upper velocities. GB300wm has the same rifle you have and he used Nosler brass and he was at max loads under 3000fps with a 200gr SST. When I used the 200gr AccuBond in my 338Win and used IMR4350 and Rem brass I was well over 3000fps with the same charges GB300wm was using. I listed my load chain for a reason so please if you can use it and start at 72grs and work up in half steps.
Thanks for that Bullet, I will as always be careful, I have rem, win and nosler brass. Good to know the pressure differences you have noticed
JD338":11uqefzq said:
go bullet go! :grin:
With that load and bullet, there are not too many animals on the globe that can't be dispatched.


THANKS for putting me on to trying the 210gr Partition. I am really loving this 338Win Mag.

Glad to know the 210 gr PT is working out for you.

Wow, that is a potent load. I need to try to push the 225gr AccuBond a little more. I have a ton of them, and would like to try to get a little closer to 2900 with them. Your loads show the 338 still has alot of juice, even compared to the bigger cases 338's. Any reason you chose RP brass over WW? Just wondering, I usually buy WW, but if there is a reason to try RP I will give it a whirl. Right now I am getting about 2800 with FC cases, and RL19. It was really easy to make shoot well so I think with a little tweaking I can get it faster. Scotty
beretzs":gb43p008 said:
Wow, that is a potent load. I need to try to push the 225gr AccuBond a little more. I have a ton of them, and would like to try to get a little closer to 2900 with them. Your loads show the 338 still has alot of juice, even compared to the bigger cases 338's. Any reason you chose RP brass over WW? Just wondering, I usually buy WW, but if there is a reason to try RP I will give it a whirl. Right now I am getting about 2800 with FC cases, and RL19. It was really easy to make shoot well so I think with a little tweaking I can get it faster. Scotty

I really like Winchester in my 30-06 but I could only get Nosler or Remington brass and the Remington brass just does not produce the pressures with the same loads as does Nosler brass. Since the Remington Brass is giving me such good results beyond what I expected I am sticking with them and my chain load. Now also consider the fact that I am shooting a Ruger M77 so the rifle plays some part in this.
Good to know. Might have to go and pick up some. Need to get some more 22-250 cases also and I use RP for that, so maybe I will try them in my 338 also. Scotty