Just Checking Out My 358Win for this season


Dec 26, 2007
I did not have time last night to load my target load for my 358Win which is 46.5grs of AA2495BR in front of a 225gr Sierra SBT that has a velocity of 2330fps. So, I took my hunting load which is 49.0grs of AA2495BR in front of a Sierra SBT that has a velocity of 2471fps. I went this morning before work and the pressure I put on myself was knowing that I was going to shoot a five shot group and how ever it turned out would be what I posted.

I barely got the group in between thunder storms but did get it done. I do think that if I had a better trigger, more power than 5x, and a better rest to shoot from I might have done a little better, but it is what it is, a pure hunting rifle that is just out of the box without any work done to it.




group size is .8365"


It is an unaltered rifle. Never did a thing to it, just took it out of the box and started shooting it. I was a little disappointed this morning, because the other day I fired three fowling shots then a five shot group and experienced the following with this rifle.


I will do it again soon with my target load.
The hogs and the deer are trembling even now, Mike. Why, even the black bears that will soon be in terror of of Guy's 160 grain PT and 260 grain AB is now growing more apprehensive at the thought that you might wonder out west. Good shooting.
DrMike":169sk2na said:
The hogs and the deer are trembling even now, Mike. Why, even the black bears that will soon be in terror of of Guy's 160 grain PT and 260 grain AB is now growing more apprehensive at the thought that you might wonder out west. Good shooting.

:lol: :lol: I should be going to Arizona on a black bear hunt this October if it all works out 8)

Pack your bags, you are set to go!

That is great shooting Mike. Looks like that 358 is ready. Hopefully you have a great year with it! It is surely a great looking hunting rifle. Scotty
Yeah, it is ready got go. The group opened up a bit and that was my fault not the load or the rifles fault. Yep, it is ready to go. I killed a buck with it last year but the 105 yard shot on a 25 pound bobcat that was sitting on his rear end looking at me giving me only a frontal view of his chest (3 inch kill area) was so cool to put that bullet right in the middle of his chest and it was lights out.