...just one more thing...

Donna McDonald, my outfitter in Alder MT informed me about the electrical tape. I have used is since with no adverse affects and it works great.
Use electricians tape! Some gas blows by and blows the tape off before the bullet even gets there!
A good reminder. It is the little foxes that soil the vineyards.
Cool article, and yes, I'm a firm believer in a little tape over the muzzle.

Never leave home on a hunt without it. I keep two more pieces behind the scope rings for after the shot and to show me if my scope is walking.
...huh, I pack some little cheapazz waterballoons. Work pretty good for marking things, too. Surprising how far you can spot a bright colored balloon tied to a limb, a piece of sage brush, or even a clump of grass, better than ribbon @ a distance...
That is very good advice and it is inexpensive as well.. Thank you for the post I will be placing both items in my hunting pack in just a few weeks.

Been using it for 25 years. When I started hunting the "wet" side of Oregon I had an incident sitting on stand for two hours in the rain and holding my rifle in the barrel up position :oops: . Luckily I didn't fire the rifle but when I opened the action to unload I was amazed at the amount of water in the chamber/barrel. Taped the barrel ever since.

I live in the dry of the desert southwest but after getting dirt, rocks, and critters out of my barrel I too became a believer in tape.

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