Kahles K312 review with pics


Oct 29, 2007
The view in person was stunning. The plates were very easy to see and frankly I was surprised at how big they appeared when I first looked through the scope. I took my USO 3.2-17 and had to run at 15X to have the same apparent size. There was no problem centering the reticle in the plates I was holding 1 mil into the wind and it was easy to center the mildot in the plate. The 1k targets are at the tree line as viewed to the right of the scope on the horizon. The clarity and resolution of this scope is stunning.

Kahles K312 in Talley 34mm rings and EGW base

Rem 700 LTR base rifle.
Manners MCS-T stock in 4 color digital
Jewel trigger
Wyatts DBM

At Best of the West in Liberty Hill, TX
250 on the right
500 in the foreground
750 right
1K distance at tree line


View through scope at 3x
Note targets to right (white are 100 yards)
Targets in lower right of scope are at 250
Orange targets below and left of center are 500
Crosshair on 750 yard berm
1K berm is to the left and back

Kahles K312 at 12x at lk
The view in person was stunning. The plates were very easy to see and frankly I was surprised at how big they appeared when I first looked through the scope. I took my USO 3.2-17 and had to run at 15X to have the same apparent size. There was no problem centering the reticle in the plates I was holding 1 mil into the wind and it was easy to center the mildot in the plate.

Note the 500 yard targets in the bottom of the scope and 750 at the right.
The 1k targets are at the tree line as viewed to the right of the scope on the horizon.

The turrets track spot on.


Kahles K312 in Talley 34mm rings and EGW base

Rem 700 LTR base rifle.
Manners MCS-T stock in 4 color digital
Jewel trigger
Wyatts DBM

At Best of the West in Liberty Hill, TX
250 on the right
500 in the foreground
750 right
1K distance at tree line


View through scope at 3x
Note targets to right (white are 100 yards)
Targets in lower right of scope are at 250
Orange targets below and left of center are 500
Crosshair on 750 yard berm
1K berm is to the left and back

Kahles K312 at 12x at lk
The view in person was stunning. The plates were very easy to see and frankly I was surprised at how big they appeared when I first looked through the scope. I took my USO 3.2-17 and had to run at 15X to have the same apparent size. There was no problem centering the reticle in the plates I was holding 1 mil into the wind and it was easy to center the mildot in the plate.

Note the 500 yard targets in the bottom of the scope and 750 at the right.
The 1k targets are at the tree line as viewed to the right of the scope on the horizon.

The turrets track spot on.


To say I am extremely impressed with this scope is an understatement. With glass this good you don't need any more magnification. It's a fairly compact and light scope too.
I would be thrilled to run this for scope for everything from tactical matches out to 1k to hunting.

I have tested into low light and would have no issue dropping the hammer on a deer past legal hunting time in Texas.
Kahles makes an excellent product. I'd like to see them marketing a little more aggressively here in North America. After they split with Swarovski, they had no distribution and/or repair facilities here. Still, it is a top flight product.
Many companies (like SWFA) quit carrying Kahles because they do not have US based service facilities. It is really a shame because they have a very good product and reputation.
That all changed this year
They are back..
I am so impressed I am considering opening up a dealership with them.
I have owned the hunting scopes in the past.