Krygyzstan hunt story & photos

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
More info re my friend Keith's hunt, with some quotes from his letter to me. he was hunting Argali Marco Polo, and Mid-Asian Ibex:

Total travel time was 38 hours to get there. There was a translator in camp, but none in the field, they spoke Kryg, and a little Russian. Keith does not. Base camp was very isolated, and at over 10,000' above sea level. While hunting, they climbed several thousand more feet.

Mostly during his stay, he ate meat. Yak, horse, and Marco Polo sheep. He said the people there eat a lot of meat.

"I was surrounded by incredible beauty, warm friendly people, and a chance to hunt two iconic species"

There were a few small buildings at the camp, heated by burning yak dung. Apparently it smells as bad as one might imagine. The hunting party of four left camp daily on horseback, then they'd hunt on foot. "My Swarovski spotting scope may have been our best tool on this trip."

He got the Marco Polo ram with a shot from the .308 Win at 387 yards, after considerable stalking.

Weather prevented them from hunting several days. Finally on day six, he was able to locate and take an ibex. He said the shot was at an incredibly steep angle, roughly 150 actual yards range and placed the shot through the animal's heart.

I am so very glad my old friend was able to do this trip. He cautioned that it was expensive, and that the travel was demanding. At times he slept in the back of a truck with a dozen other guys, unable to communicate with most of them, and he spent hours shoveling snow, clearing a path for the truck. I believe he may write up the story someday for a magazine, so I won't tell it all here, I'm just really glad that he did this hunt, and allowed me to share a bit about it here.

Those are some great looking animals and great pictures.
Congrats to your friend on a successful hunt and to you for providing the ammo.
Keith definitely took a couple of iconic animals. What an adventure! No doubt every aspect of the hunt was demanding; but, what a story he has to tell. Thanks for posting this, Guy. The ram is positively gorgeous.
My goodness.... what an incredible experience that must have been. That Marco is stunning. Thanks for sharing. Let us know if he decides to write up the tale. CL
I note that the Long Range Hunting Newsletter has an article about "Dr. Bob's Trophy Ibex and Marco Polo Sheep."

Doctor Bob is a super-nice customer of ours who lives not too far from our brick and mortar LRH Store in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. We outfitted him with some equipment for his Kyrgyzstan hunt this fall including the Huskemaw rifle scope that he used to take this nice ibex and a great Marco Polo sheep (not shown).
First he shot his rifle here in Wisconsin to develop perfectly accurate drops in local air density conditions at around 800' above sea level. Then we helped him order his custom yardage turret for over 14,000 feet during the hunt. I would say his custom yardage turret worked out pretty darn well!
Dr. Bob plans to submit the full story of his Kyrgyzstan adventure. Watch for it in the future. "

Must be a story coming out there before long.
I believe "Dr Bob" and my friend Keith may know each other, and their hunts were about two weeks apart...

Congratulations to your friend on an amazing hunt. Beautiful trophies.
