Last Minute Grey Fox on Blackbuck Hunt

Bob in TX

Dec 3, 2004
Last weekend I was guiding one of my free-range blackbuck hunts near Camp Wood, Texas. I got my hunter on a nice blackbuck. The rancher let me take a doe for the freezer too. I took it at 252 yards with my Posse AR.

After my hunter headed home to meet his taxidermist I drove back out to the ranch to squeeze in one stand before dark. I called in and took this nice, mature grey fox. I was using the CompuCaller III belting out the "yellowhammer woodpecker" sound and the "Stick Tease" decoy.

It was a great end to a perfect day of hunting.


Grey Fox


CMJ's Blackbuck


My Doe


Nicely done.

I think the Gray Fox is a beautiful critter.
We see them in the back yard once in a while, cruising the bird feeders.

Shame on you using the OBAMA ASSAULT RIFLE on a cute creature !

Nice blackbuck. The fox is a nice bonus. Texas is a great place for a lot of game that us poor folks can't travel to faraway place for. Thank God for Texas. I have taken a fallow deer and a blackbuck and a bunch of hogs in the hill country and I love Texas. :grin:
Good Hunting
That is indeed a fine looking fox. Blackbuck are beautiful creatures. It looks as if you done good.
THAT looks like a good time Bob! The more I see of 'em the more intrigued I am by those Black bucks. Maybe when I find that winning lotto ticket on te sidewalk. :) CL