Late season kick-off...


May 18, 2011
I went out on the late season opener on 12/26. Late getting out of the house, late getting to my stand, didn't get set up and settled till 15 minutes after shooting time (drives me NUTS when that happens).....

Snow was expected to start by 10AM. It was cold, but very damp. I planned for the cold and was layered well.

I had my pre64 30-06, managed to put a nice scratch on the stock. Oh well. I got it to use it, right?

At 9:45AM, I heard sound from where I had been watching a squirrel all morning. I turned to look at him and saw a mature doe looking back at me at 20 yards. Crap!

She didn't like seeing something moving way up in a tree, so she backed out and got jittery, eventually circling around to head back into the thick cover she emerged from. In the process she crossed and stopped in a shooting lane. I wound the Minox to 9x to be sure there were no buttons or empty antler sockets on the deer's head. At 50 yards, it was pretty clear there were none, lol.

Without changing scope power, I dropped the reticle to her shoulder, placed it high on her shoulder, and let the 165PT fly.

She was slammed to the ground, and I swear, I think she bounced. She went straight down into some weeds, then straight UP and over backwards, hooves flying.

I measured her chest girth at 37.5", and a chart we use that's been fairly reliable put her live weight estimate at 160lbs, which I find credible.

Here's a pic...

And that's the way we like to hear of 'em dropping, Tom. Congratulations on a fine doe. She does look as if she will provide some excellent table fare for you and your family.
She's Deer #4 this year. I shot a buck here with my bow and two bucks in North Carolina with my 300H&H. This one went to my brother, who used it as partial payment to a lawyer friend of his for her services (child custody stuff with my brother's step-children).

I have a 25-06 that needs to be brought "on line" and used on a doe before the season ends, and I might have a rifle or two to pick through to maybe use that 3rd doe tag. I have until 1/26.
Sounds like a fine use of the venison. God has graciously provided for your brother through your work. Good show, Tom.
I have two more tags. A buddy of mine has contacted me about some folks in his church who are in need, and could use the meat to ease grocery bills. I don't mind using tags for that purpose, so I will venture forth again. Snowed all day today, would have been a good day in the woods, but I want to get the 25-06 ready and try to hunt with that next.
Good luck, Tom. I give away a fair amount of meat to the elderly and single moms. It's a good cause.
Very awesome hunt Tom! That rifle looks great laying over that deer! Great shot buddy!
Thanks, guys. I gotta get my Ruger No.1V in 25-06 ready to hunt and take that. We have about 6" of snow on the ground, more forecast in two small shots next week, too. The place I hunt has a 15 acre winter barley field that, I will bet, will be a deer magnet when some snow melts off the south-facing slopes of the field and exposes some green vegetation for them to munch on. Could get 300-350 yard shots, and I'd love to stretch out that 25-06. I have a stock of 110AB's I use in my 257 Bob, so I'll start with them. Make them go warp speed and see what they can do to a doe....

After that, I'm not sure....might have to dig in the cabinet to find something "unusual" to take. Only one buck per year in PA, and that tag was punched in October with a 100gr Muzzy. ;)

The 110 gr AB will get the job done in aces. So will the 100 gr BT and the 115 gr BT. ;)

Tom, I have been working on some loads for the .257 Roberts with the 110 AccuBond. I just bought some Hybred 100V for trying with these bullets and see if I can match the 3060 fps that I chrono'ed the Nosler 110 AB factory loads at. How is accuracy for your No1 with the 110 AB?
Oh, okay Tom, my memory is firing on about 5 cylinders with this pneumonia and I forget about that. Please let me know what you observe with this bullet when you do get into the load development, shooting and analysis on your .25-06 with this 110 AB. I will do the same for my .257 Roberts.
Nice doe! our muzzleloader season starts this weekend and I'm hoping too fill my last two tags.
Nice Doe and way to go buddy on the shooting. The old 30-06 is still a killer in my book. Like your selection of bullet too.

Nice fat Pa doe there Tom. If I recall correctly, you've put a bunch of work into that -06, glad to see it bringing home the bacon.