Lee collet Die for 222 Remington...how to.... ?


Jun 1, 2012
Hi Folks, just got the LCD to try to solve the "headspace" problem on my 222 Remington.

I have read a few things on how to properly set and size with this particular type of Die.
Lee recommends to size and then rotate the case 90° for a second "pass".

Someone else stated than rotation should be of 45°, to avoid the "petals" to strike in the same place on neck.

A bit confused now... :(

Could you please light a beacon for me on this matter ? :wink:

Thank you in advance.
Thank you Colcolt [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]. I am gonna read it with caution and try to follow the correct procedure.
Done some testing after setting up the Die.
The bullet sits tight enough, although not as much as with the standard "FULL" Redding....

Loaded 3 cartridges per load - total 3 loads (already tested before with good results).

Brass : Lapua once fired in my gun, resized the first time with Lee Collett (no lubrication) - not trimmed - well champfered

Shots taken at 100 meters - sandbag in front and leather rest on the back.

Squares (grid) on sheet are 1x1 centimeter (0,39")


Load 1. 55 grs Fiocch FMJ - 3 shots


Unknown reason for that flyer (no flinching or anything related with the rifle/shooter).

Any idea ?


Load 2. Nosler BT 55 - 3 shots



Load 3. Sierra SPT 50 Flat Base - 3 shots


Load 4. Same as 3, but with Lapua NEW Brass (not prepped)



What are your thoughts ?

Looks like some good groups to me but man, that's some big pictures! What powder are you using? I've found BLC(2) and H322 gave me the best groups followed by 4895.

This was a good one but of course, I pulled one.

Nice shooting Colcolt !
What bullets did you use ?

Oops, sorry for the big pictures....I'll be more careful next time :oops:

So far, I have been loading 3 different powders :

Norma 200
It gave me good results behind Ballistic Tip 50 e 55 grs and hot loads.
A little slower than 4198 IMHO.


Vihtavuori N133
Good results also, but not too consistent at times.
Very good groups behind Lapua 55 grs. FMJ

Slightly better than the other two and the fastest
It does particularly good behind 55 grainers (BT on top)




I would very much like to try the H322 next, as it seems to be the best powder for this caliber.
What speed are you getting out of 50/55 grainers with this powder ?

Ah, now I can see! Those are some fine groups; you have every reason to be pleased with such accuracy. H322 is a fine powder for the little 222.
I've been playing with LT-32 in my .222 and it appears to be at least as good as H322 and everything else I've ever tried in it. I'm kinda on hold with the experiment lately, but I am exceedingly confident that it will be my go-to powder for the triple-deuce.