Left Behind Items ?


Feb 24, 2006
Ok, I may be jumping the gun just a little, but I've started my list of items to take deer hunting this year.
Mostly curious of the most common items that get left at home and forgot about?
Toilet Paper :shock: :lol:
Grunt call
And believe it or not... one time when I was in a hurry, my clothes! :lol: I had them in a scent proof bag and left them sitting on the reloading bench :roll:
For me, its my binoculars. I have left them in the truck and walking back to my stand when I have realized I left them behind. I feel I'm hunting at a loss without them.

.....one time I hunted a week without socks.
When I got home I told my wife she forgot to pack my socks. She said she did, they were in the gun case. :shock:
just kidding guys,......... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ammo, and one step further, the correct ammo for the correct rifle.
JD, I hear you.. I can't go anywhere with out my binocs.. the hunt is over without them.
This trip is to the other side of the state for me and we'll be camping out for a week. There won't be any running home quickly to grab what was left behind. I'm usually way over-kill as I have a longbed truck with a topper on it......I can about get my house in there...
I once got up early to meet a friend to go hunting (I work swing shift). Got there got to our hunting location thirty minutes away. OOps left the shotgun in my pickup.

I was in a big hurry one morning to get going,(son-in-law a big slow eater)hiked into hunting area,and forgot to put the orange on.Felt like a dummy. :roll:
When I first started hunting I forgot my deer tag and not very long ago I forgot to bring ammo lucky for me it was just an after work hunt and didn't see any thing. :oops:
I realize this isn't, but it's getting almost comical. My long time hunting buddy and I are almost twins in the field just so if one of us forgets, the other has the same equipment and extras....
I do remember him leaving his bow in the campground parking lot one evening after a long hunt....realized it after we got back to town 30miles away....yep it was still there when we got back.
TAGS :oops: one year, i was bear hunting, out steped a nice young boar, bang, dig out the wallet, tag is in safe at home. deer, night before opening day, 181 miles from home, 1:00pm. 362 miles in 5.5 hours later, i had my tag in camp. :lol:
Clips, or should I properly say magazines. I once had a Kleingunther K-14. I was forever leaving the magazine for that rifle laying somewhere around camp.
Got up real early one time to go bow hunting, drove about 60 miles, left my quiver on the dinning room table. :eek: