Let's hear your best closing day story ......


May 19, 2007
OK, we've all seen something crazy happen at one time or another on closing day. Let's hear it. It's last day in most of Alberta for general (rifle) WT deer today and my brother-in-law managed to wound a big doe, so I get to go play davy crockett on the last day :evil:

Still got 2 goat tags by 31 Dec 08...ha ha

My youngest son was a skinny kid, not particularly strong, and a very sensitive, smart kid. I'd had him out with me before he had his license. He practiced a lot with the little 6mm Remington, which I had in a "youth" stock to better fit him. At the target range he did fine.

In the field... It was another story. I've never seen anybody miss that many deer. I think in my life I've missed two deer... He could legally shoot a doe, so there was plenty of game avail, but wow... I got worried about his ammo supply by the end of the first weekend! :shock: He was getting discouraged and very unhappy with himself.

On the morning of the closing day I got us away from all of our well meaning hunting buddies and just the two of us took a walk up the canyon. We spotted a small herd of mule deer - no bucks - from a half mile away and made a good stalk. We ran out of cover at about 275 yards, crawling.

From prone, he put down his bipod legs, dialed up his scope power a bit, and settled in for a shot. I ranged the doe at 274 yards. I told him to put the crosshairs on her back, and he did so, then squeezed the trigger.

I was watching through my own scope. The doe buckled and fell immediately, then fell down the hill! His rifle came out of recoil and he asked me if he'd hit her. I grinned and told him "oh yeah, real good." We hiked over there, he found the doe. The last day of his first season as a hunter and he had his deer. I was (and am) pretty proud of him.

Guy Miner

Man, that brings tears to my eyes. That day will be remembered for a lifetime by you both. A hunter is born. Everyone in the hunting community thanks you.
Good Hunting and God Bless
Elkhunt :grin:
what he said!
That had to be an awsome day for both of you. I've been there.
Nice story Guy .

My 12 year old got his first big game animal this year. 242 yards with his 270 win and 130 ballistic tips.

Great to have the kids out and bag something first year. Nice speed goat pop, when you move him up to the 416 LOOK OUT!!

lol, just kidding. It is great to see new people out and really having a good time.

My tracking went well, crossed the supposed hit zone 10 times over 2 hours, no hair, blood, or anything, just some really tangled long grass and a quarter mile of fresh tracks without any blood :? Best case scenario really if one expects to track, a clean miss. Another young hunter tho.....
