Leupold VX-6

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Well gentlemen there is nothing like leaving things to the last day :lol:
I just sent away the required information to Leupold Canada ( Korth Group ) and now I am hoping that I will receive the dials for the CDS system for my VX-6.
I will let you know if they come through :wink:

Well I got home today for lunch and had a package from Korth who is the Leupold distributor for Canada and I now have the custom turret for my VX-6.
Two weeks to the day that is great customer service in my opinion 8). That is why I think the Leupold has it over a number of other glass companies not only do they have good to excellent quality, their service is next to none.
Just thought I would let the forum know :)

That's great news Dan and your right, Leupold does take good care of its customers.

I forgot, what scope are you running Dan. How does it compare to your Leica?
This is the VX-6 (2-12 X 42) that I placed on my 270win CDL.
Leupold offer a free CDS dial with the purchase of the VX-6 :)

I have already installed the CDS dial on the VX-6 very simple procedure :shock:

sask boy":ql9rhb5o said:
I have already installed the CDS dial on the VX-6 very simple procedure :shock:


Yep, now it is time to go shoot it at appropriate distances and give a report on the performance. What load did you settle on for the dial?
Mike, I guess I was a little ahead of myself as I gave them my standard load of 130gr AB traveling at 3050fps. I was going to change from IMR4350 powder to RL-22 but it is at least 100fps faster :( so for the time being I am going to stick to the IMR.
Not a real smart move :roll:

Scott, as far as comparing the VX-6 to the Leica. The Leupold & Leica are so close I really can't make a call on it. I think that I would take the VX-6 because I believe the service is a little better.
I attempted to get a Leica scope cover and a sun shade but was advised that they do not supply those items.

Got ya. Thanks for the heads up. I know the new VX6 is supposed to be great. Can you take a few pictures of the turrets and such. The 2-12 #4 illuminated seems interesting.
Dan, you are giving up about 100 fps in the IMR 4350 load for the .270 Win. The thing is that I have been using a custom Model 70 (1949) Super Grade .270 Win, 130 gr Partition for deer hunting since the early 1970's and have never missed that 100 fps with that load. My rifle has killed every deer that I have ever pointed it at, out to 400+ yards and most with one shot, for over 40 years. I can not complain about that performance.
Charlie you are absolutely right I started using this load when I was a teen :shock: which is just over 40 years ago.
I believe I have taken my fair share of game with this load. I have taken every big game animal native to Saskatchewan except a caribou.
So I have no doubt of its effectiveness :mrgreen:
