Load data went up in smoke during divorce.. need help


Jun 6, 2009
So, I have gone through a divorce and she burned all my load data along with my antlers, and stuff of my Dad's that I received when he passed away... anyway, I am happier without her, and time to get back to what I love - reloading for my toys..

I am looking for some load data for a 7mm-08 using 140 gr. Accubonds. I tried searching and I keep getting an error message about to broad of a search..

I am also looking for .257 A.I. load data for 110 gr. Accubonds. This will be loaded for a long action, long throated gun, so I can seat bullets out where they belong. Basically the base of the bullet at the base of the neck of the case.

Any help would be appreciated...

Thank you
I don't load for those calibers but have been divorced and lost a lot of stuff. I can certainly feel for you in that and wish you luck in finding what you need. Welcome to the Nosler forum.
Message sent laylandad, thank you..

Appreciate the sentiment guys. She is gone from my life, that is the best thing. I can not replace the sentimental things, but I believe Karma is a bitch and it will come bite her in the ass..
". anyway, I am happier without her, and time to get back to what I love - reloading for my toys.."

Can you imagine how many guns you could buy if you didn't need women? But then you wouldn't have any grandkids to spoil!
OldMan, no truer words have been spoken..

However, I have no kids of my own, so I just spoil nephews and nieces like crazy...