Loading for the 9.3x74R, Quick Load Request.


Ammo Smith
Nov 6, 2009
Could somebody please run QL for me on the 286 Nosler Partition for the 9.3x76R with IMR powders at 50K PSI? I took my Number One Ruger with the 22 inch barrel to the range today and started the sight in process at 25 yards. I was there anyhow with a couple of rimfire rifles getting them sighted in. So I figured I would start shooting some loads, just to get acquainted.

The Number One 9.3x76R is a thumper in a 7-1/4 pound rifle with only a 1.5-5x20 Leupold VX3 on it, to bring it to about 8 pounds even. I shot loads including the 270 gr Speer, 286 Norma SP and Partition 286 gr, all at about 2400 fps. I have used three powders so far, including H-380, IMR 4064 and 4350. The IMR 4350 and the H-380 both shot very small groups (one hole at 25 yards) and the IMR 4064 with the Partition shot poorly. However this was only a beauty contest and not a serious 100 yard group test.

I also need to add some 250 gr Accubonds to the mix and see how they shoot at 100 yards. The 286 grain bullets let you know it when you pull the trigger in that light rifle! However, I have just begun load development and testing.
Charlie, I remember Scotty and Aleena discussing this somewhere, only it seems like they were discussing Woodleigh and Norma Oryx bullets, hopefully one of them or both of them will see your post. That is a sweet old caliber Charlie and a very nice set up. Best of luck working up your loads
Cartridge          : 9.3 x 74 R
Bullet             : .366, 286, Nosler PART SP 44750
Useable Case Capaci: 67.955 grain H2O = 4.412 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.720 inch = 94.49 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : IMR 8208 XBR

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   69    43.04   1924    2351   28583   5685     95.5    1.697
-18.0   70    44.12   1965    2453   30217   5835     96.2    1.659
-16.0   72    45.19   2006    2556   31933   5979     96.9    1.623
-14.0   74    46.27   2047    2661   33737   6118     97.5    1.588
-12.0   76    47.34   2088    2768   35631   6251     98.0    1.554
-10.0   77    48.42   2128    2875   37621   6377     98.5    1.519
-08.0   79    49.50   2168    2984   39712   6497     98.9    1.481
-06.0   81    50.57   2207    3094   41907   6609     99.3    1.444
-04.0   82    51.65   2247    3205   44212   6715     99.5    1.409  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0   84    52.72   2285    3317   46634   6812     99.7    1.376  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0   86    53.80   2324    3430   49177   6902     99.9    1.343  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0   88    54.88   2362    3543   51850   6984    100.0    1.312  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0   89    55.95   2400    3658   54659   7058    100.0    1.282  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0   91    57.03   2437    3773   57613   7129    100.0    1.253  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0   93    58.10   2475    3888   60718   7198    100.0    1.224  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0   94    59.18   2511    4005   63986   7265    100.0    1.197  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     86    53.80   2400    3657   57294   6643    100.0    1.262  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     86    53.80   2213    3111   41169   6955     96.9    1.451

Cartridge          : 9.3 x 74 R
Bullet             : .366, 286, Nosler PART SP 44750
Useable Case Capaci: 67.955 grain H2O = 4.412 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.720 inch = 94.49 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm

Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following Powders.
Matching Maximum Pressure: 43148 psi, or 297 MPa
or a maximum loading ratio or filling of 112 %
These calculations refer to your specified settings in QuickLOAD 'Cartridge Dimensions' window.
C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested
loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads as presented in current handloading manuals. Understand
that all of the listed powders can be unsuitable for the given combination of cartridge, bullet
and gun. Actual load order can vary, depending upon lot-to-lot powder and component variations.

22 loads produced a Loading Ratio below user-defined minimum of 90%. These powders have been skipped.
Powder type          Filling/Loading Ratio  Charge    Charge   Vel. Prop.Burnt P max  P muzz  B_Time
                                      %     Grains    Gramm   fps     %       psi     psi    ms
---------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
Norma MRP                          104.8     68.5     4.44    2380    93.9    43149    8771   1.377  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-17                  93.0     61.1     3.96    2367    99.2    43149    8075   1.379  ! Near Maximum !
Elcho 17                            93.0     61.1     3.96    2367    99.2    43149    8075   1.379  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S365                       100.7     62.8     4.07    2366    99.8    43149    7830   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-25                 112.0     69.8     4.52    2357    95.7    42600    8643   1.385  ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA15                       106.4     67.4     4.36    2348    92.1    43149    8423   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-22                 106.4     67.4     4.36    2348    92.1    43149    8423   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5/NP ~approximation       106.4     67.4     4.36    2348    92.1    43149    8423   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP15                        109.2     67.7     4.38    2346    91.8    43149    8418   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester WXR                     109.2     67.7     4.38    2346    91.8    43149    8418   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N560                    105.8     67.7     4.39    2345    89.0    43149    8518   1.383  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate MAGPRO                    106.9     71.2     4.61    2337    86.7    43149    8500   1.386  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 511                 94.5     63.0     4.08    2326    95.6    43149    7949   1.391  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 4350                       97.4     61.0     3.95    2325    97.7    43149    7824   1.415  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Hunter                      97.6     63.1     4.09    2325    95.6    43149    7938   1.391  ! Near Maximum !
Norma URP                           97.1     60.2     3.90    2321    97.5    43149    7748   1.398  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP19 ~approximation          97.1     60.2     3.90    2321    97.5    43149    7746   1.398  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N550                     94.0     60.1     3.90    2316    97.4    43149    7803   1.408  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester 760                      92.0     61.0     3.95    2315    94.6    43149    7845   1.397  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H414                        92.0     61.0     3.95    2315    94.6    43149    7845   1.397  ! Near Maximum !
SNPE Vectan SP 12                  109.0     72.9     4.72    2314    88.9    43149    8422   1.383  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828 SSC                       103.8     66.8     4.33    2313    89.0    43149    8180   1.385  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 7828                           109.7     66.8     4.33    2313    89.0    43149    8180   1.385  ! Near Maximum !
PB Clermont PCL 517                109.1     72.9     4.73    2313    88.7    43149    8420   1.384  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4831                           102.2     61.3     3.97    2310    97.7    43149    7627   1.408  ! Near Maximum !
Accurate 3100                      107.6     67.4     4.37    2309    95.7    43149    7782   1.412  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R905                      107.3     66.7     4.32    2306    89.2    43149    7985   1.390  ! Near Maximum !
Alliant Reloder-19                 101.7     63.7     4.13    2304    92.0    43149    7894   1.392  ! Near Maximum !
Ramshot Magnum                     106.4     72.6     4.70    2304    91.7    43149    8110   1.385  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon Hybrid 100V                 99.9     60.6     3.92    2301    99.0    43149    7285   1.395  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2213                        104.3     66.0     4.28    2300    88.8    43149    8057   1.387  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP14 ~approximation         102.4     64.2     4.16    2299    92.0    43149    7836   1.393  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S385                       102.9     65.2     4.22    2296    93.7    43149    7729   1.407  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AR 2209                        100.8     62.8     4.07    2292    91.6    43149    7787   1.390  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 ~approximation           99.4     62.3     4.04    2282    91.7    43149    7643   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Raufoss RA4                         99.4     62.3     4.04    2282    91.7    43149    7643   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Norma 204                           96.3     62.3     4.04    2282    91.7    43149    7643   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP4 NT ~approximation        97.3     61.9     4.01    2280    94.2    43149    7545   1.407  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R903                       91.4     56.6     3.67    2277    99.2    43149    7206   1.433  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N165                    108.2     67.0     4.34    2273    92.7    43149    7484   1.398  ! Near Maximum !
ADI AP 2214                        108.6     70.6     4.58    2269    87.7    43149    7932   1.392  ! Near Maximum !
Winchester Supreme 780             101.0     66.7     4.32    2268    91.6    43149    7531   1.397  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S071                         112.0     66.3     4.30    2267    95.0    40720    7664   1.449
Somchem S355                        90.7     55.6     3.60    2265    99.0    43149    7137   1.430  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831 SC                   102.9     65.1     4.22    2264    88.6    43149    7572   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Hodgdon H4831                      107.0     65.1     4.22    2264    88.6    43149    7572   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP5 NT ~approximation       107.5     68.7     4.45    2262    85.6    43149    7737   1.396  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S070                          95.7     59.3     3.84    2261    94.8    43149    7389   1.428  ! Near Maximum !
Norma MRP 2                        112.0     70.2     4.55    2257    87.7    37807    8356   1.467
Bofors RP30                        112.0     70.2     4.55    2257    87.7    37807    8356   1.467
Hodgdon H4350                       98.1     60.1     3.90    2254    93.5    43149    7265   1.407  ! Near Maximum !
IMR 4350                            96.2     60.0     3.89    2254    93.7    43149    7258   1.407  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R904                       99.8     61.6     3.99    2249    90.3    43149    7328   1.405  ! Near Maximum !
Lovex S065                          94.0     57.6     3.73    2243    96.1    43149    7160   1.432  ! Near Maximum !
Vihtavuori N160                    106.8     64.1     4.16    2238    90.0    43149    7210   1.406  ! Near Maximum !
Rottweil R907                       92.6     57.0     3.69    2229    93.7    43149    7119   1.431  ! Near Maximum !
Bofors RP7                          92.6     57.0     3.69    2229    93.7    43149    7119   1.431  ! Near Maximum !
Somchem S361                        99.1     66.1     4.28    2226    89.0    43149    7172   1.417  ! Near Maximum !

Cartridge          : 9.3 x 74 R
Bullet             : .366, 286, Nosler PART SP 44750
Useable Case Capaci: 67.955 grain H2O = 4.412 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.720 inch = 94.49 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : IMR 7828 SSC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   86    55.44   1870    2220   24774   6134     76.1    1.757
-18.0   88    56.83   1921    2343   26458   6397     77.8    1.710
-16.0   90    58.21   1973    2472   28268   6658     79.5    1.664
-14.0   93    59.60   2026    2607   30217   6917     81.1    1.618
-12.0   95    60.98   2080    2747   32316   7173     82.7    1.574
-10.0   97    62.37   2134    2893   34586   7424     84.3    1.531
-08.0   99    63.76   2190    3044   37039   7669     85.8    1.488
-06.0  101    65.14   2245    3202   39692   7907     87.3    1.439
-04.0  103    66.53   2302    3365   42570   8136     88.7    1.393  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  106    67.91   2359    3534   45698   8357     90.0    1.349  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  108    69.30   2417    3709   49102   8566     91.3    1.305  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0  110    70.69   2475    3891   52816   8764     92.5    1.262  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  112    72.07   2534    4078   56878   8948     93.7    1.221  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0  114    73.46   2593    4271   61334   9117     94.7    1.181  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  116    74.84   2653    4471   66235   9270     95.7    1.142  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  118    76.23   2714    4677   71644   9405     96.6    1.105  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    108    69.30   2582    4233   59259   8832     97.7    1.198  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    108    69.30   2214    3114   40175   7781     80.7    1.440

Cartridge          : 9.3 x 74 R
Bullet             : .366, 286, Nosler PART SP 44750
Useable Case Capaci: 67.955 grain H2O = 4.412 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.720 inch = 94.49 mm
Barrel Length      : 24.0 inch = 609.6 mm
Powder             : IMR 4007 SSC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 2.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-20.0   75    47.60   1871    2223   26934   5712     85.6    1.755
-18.0   77    48.79   1916    2332   28591   5901     86.8    1.711
-16.0   79    49.98   1961    2443   30348   6088     87.9    1.669
-14.0   81    51.17   2007    2557   32212   6272     89.0    1.628
-12.0   82    52.36   2052    2674   34190   6453     90.1    1.588
-10.0   84    53.55   2097    2793   36289   6629     91.1    1.550
-08.0   86    54.74   2143    2916   38516   6801     92.0    1.509
-06.0   88    55.93   2188    3040   40880   6968     92.9    1.467
-04.0   90    57.12   2233    3168   43392   7130     93.8    1.427  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0   92    58.31   2279    3298   46062   7286     94.6    1.388  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0   94    59.50   2324    3430   48901   7436     95.4    1.350  ! Near Maximum !
+02.0   96    60.69   2369    3565   51923   7579     96.1    1.314  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0   97    61.88   2415    3703   55141   7714     96.7    1.279  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+06.0   99    63.07   2460    3843   58572   7842     97.3    1.245  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+08.0  101    64.26   2505    3986   62234   7962     97.8    1.213  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+10.0  103    65.45   2551    4131   66147   8073     98.3    1.181  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba     94    59.50   2437    3770   57612   7490     99.2    1.257  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba     94    59.50   2181    3021   40505   7080     88.4    1.471
alaska100":2ylyo2x1 said:
Charlie, I remember Scotty and Aleena discussing this somewhere, only it seems like they were discussing Woodleigh and Norma Oryx bullets, hopefully one of them or both of them will see your post. That is a sweet old caliber Charlie and a very nice set up. Best of luck working up your loads

Sean, I will look for those conversations, thanks for the feedback on the caliber, so far so good with loading and shooting.

DrMike, thank you very much for the QL data on the 9.3x74R. I will go through it over the next couple of days and see how it compares to what I am doing so far with loading.