Loading the Blue Cyclones!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Years ago, I dubbed my Ballistic Tip .25-06 loads "Blue Cyclones" for how well they worked on deer, pronghorn and coyotes. :grin:

115 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip
Nosler's max recommended charge of Retumbo
Federal 210 match primers
Today I used nicely prepped R-P brass

Generates 3120 fps, and excellent accuracy. The rifle is set up with a 6x Leupold, and zeroed at 300 yards, making hits at 400 a simple matter, still holding on hair. With very light recoil. I like that.

I usually load the .25-06 on the little RW Hart arbor press, with Wilson dies. Neck size only, but very good ammo has always been the result.

Thinking about mule deer hunting coming up in the not-too-distant future!

Love it!
I am expecting a delivery today from SPS for some Blue Cyclones.
My Daughter was sending them into the steel gong at 400 yards a couple weeks ago from "her" 700 Classic 257 Roberts. She is going to give them a try on crop damage deer this summer. :)

Certainly makes for a handsome cartridge. Without a doubt, the 115 BT has served you well for some time.
JD338":2kv5kzpo said:
Love it!
I am expecting a delivery today from SPS for some Blue Cyclones.
My Daughter was sending them into the steel gong at 400 yards a couple weeks ago from "her" 700 Classic 257 Roberts. She is going to give them a try on crop damage deer this summer. :)


Danny Confiscated the BOB huh? LOL

That seems to happen in firearms-friendly families... I look at who has guns now, and who used to have those same guns a few years back...

It's GREAT! (y)
My 257 Bee likes the Blue Cyclones and sends them out at 3350 with a max charge of R22. The deer don't care for them so much!
Very nice, Guy. I'm trying to decide between the Blue Cyclones and the 100g E-Tips for mule deer this year in my 25-06. Both are very accurate in my rifle.
Was deciding between my 7mm rem and my 25-06 for deer this coming season.

I think I'm gonna try me some 115 blue cyclones and a zero at 300 yards...

Gotta get through this heat in the Valley of the Sun first. Planes can't take off or land. I remember the record of 122 in 1990...

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Nice looking loads Guy! That 25-06 is sure a classic deer and antelope round. They are really gentle on the shoulder too. I let a young lad use my wife's 25-06 loaded with a 120 gr. Nosler a few years back as you may recall and took him on his first elk hunt on a special cow tag near home. He shot once at 250 yards from the prone position on a nice big cow. She went about 40 yards and laid down and it was over. That's usually how that darn 25-06 works.
Used the exact load on this guy. Went about 5ft and dropped.

Very nice. That combo with Retumbo and RL25 has worked real well out of my 25-06 as well. It is a sweet cartridge. Reminds me, I need to get back out and zero up the 100 grain Scirroco's I have loaded in mine.. Might be a good grab for deer this Fall.
Those look great. I've never owned or loaded for the 25/06, but I've shot several my older brother used to have. Fantastic deer cartridge.

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I've got 100 of them loaded, and two deer tags.

Should I load more? :grin:

Guy Miner":2k21l3y1 said:
I've got 100 of them loaded, and two deer tags.

Should I load more? :grin:


Depends on how many rounds you are wanting to shoot at the range. It is always comforting to have some reliable rounds available. Never can tell. Could be an invasion of mule deer. :shock:

You can save 2 for the tags and shoot the remaining 98 into bug hole groups.
