Looking for 280 remington brass, new or once fired.


Mar 10, 2010
currently have Remington and Hornady, I can get Winchester but not sure I want Nickel. I know there are other options, gosh some of it's pricey. What do you all shoot brass wise? thanks
Believe Winchester makes the non-nickel brass also. It works pretty good. Go to the Nosler Shooters Pro Shop site and check about once a week for blemished or over-run brass for the 280 Remington. Good stuff at a good price.
I've been running the Winchester nickel plated brass in my .280 Rem. and so far it hasn't been a problem. The "plating" appears to either be very thin or more like a wash. I have had no trouble with it peeling or flaking and I have annealed the necks and nothing bad happened there. All I can add to that is my loads have been running sub MOA from the start with the 160 gr. Speer Grand Slams. I may even take the rifle elk hunting. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Paul B.

In 280 Rem, I've mostly shot Remington brass. It has generally been very good, but some Remington batches have given me split necks on its first firing (mostly factory 30-06 ammo). I am personally not a fan of the nickle plated brass; I use some Federal nickle plated ammo and the brass generally gets tossed. I picked up a box of Nosler brass about 3 years ago, it is good and what I'm working through currently.

How much are you after? I might have some once fired Remington brass available.

I've mostly transitioned over to shooting 280 AI, using new Hornady brass that I find on sale. The Remington 280 brass converts okay, but it is bullets, powder and primers to make the conversion. I usually get a box of brass at Christmas time from the family, and it lasts a year + depending on the cartridge.

P.S. South west Utah is beautiful, parents retired to Ivin's effectively a suburb of St. George.
MARSHALL,,,I have 50 in the bag, brand new unfired, Remington 280 Nickel Plated brass, seconds (cosmetic blemishes). Shipped to you for $20.00. I am using RP, Hornady and Nosler brass in my AI, and have experienced little difference in case life.