What would you consider to be your reloading luxury items and what is your necessity, have-to-have stuff? I was thinking about getting a turret or progressive press but I should probably get a chronograph instead. Any opinions / ideas?
My own list of "stuff" - two RCBS presses (RCBS Supreme kit actually and an RC II), Lee collet die, Redding neck die, RCBS FL dies for .25-06 and .243, RCBS carbide dies and Lee crimper for .45 ACP, two RCBS 505 scales, Uniflow measure with micro adjust stem, L.E. Wilson trimmer, misc. small tools, Lyman tumbler, small ultrasonic cleaner, Speer and Nosler manuals and two other books, and digital blade caliper. I'd consider most of that as bare bones necessities.
My luxury stuff would include better seating dies, a progressive or turret press, precision mic. gauges for the .243 and .25-06, a good chronograph.
My own list of "stuff" - two RCBS presses (RCBS Supreme kit actually and an RC II), Lee collet die, Redding neck die, RCBS FL dies for .25-06 and .243, RCBS carbide dies and Lee crimper for .45 ACP, two RCBS 505 scales, Uniflow measure with micro adjust stem, L.E. Wilson trimmer, misc. small tools, Lyman tumbler, small ultrasonic cleaner, Speer and Nosler manuals and two other books, and digital blade caliper. I'd consider most of that as bare bones necessities.
My luxury stuff would include better seating dies, a progressive or turret press, precision mic. gauges for the .243 and .25-06, a good chronograph.