Magnetospeed Sporter chrono

I used mine yesterday for the second time. This time I was able to keep the bayonet from moving until the 9th shot on this trip. It still would loosen a bit but during the break I re adjusted it. I wish there was a better way to secure this but I can live with it.

I did see some pitting at the leaving curve on the bayonet where it looks like unburned powder is hitting it upon firing. We'll see if this keep happening.
I just picked mine up today. It looks like it will be Friday before I can get out to play. Be sure to check back. I'll post my experience.
Took mine out again today, and I think I found the key to keeping it tight on the barrel.
The instructions say to unscrew the strap screw almost all the way out before tightening the strap and then screwing it in all the way. This screw will come way way out and that is the key. I was able to get the Sporter on very tight on my Nosler 48C 270WSM with brake and have it not move. If you only unscrew it maybe halfway out it will loosen up on only 1 shot even though it appears and feels to be on tight. You should check it on every shot.
On my custom 300 win mag with brake I was shooting a new load 180 AB with IMR-4350 at 70 gr, put the Sporter on for first shot and the shot was 10" high perfect windage, registered 2980 fps, took the Sporter off and the next 3 shots were all touching only 2" high. The vertical POI can be significant.

excaliber":jbe9m1ua said:
I used mine yesterday for the second time. This time I was able to keep the bayonet from moving until the 9th shot on this trip. It still would loosen a bit but during the break I re adjusted it. I wish there was a better way to secure this but I can live with it.

I did see some pitting at the leaving curve on the bayonet where it looks like unburned powder is hitting it upon firing. We'll see if this keep happening.
I took the MS out again today. Today was going to be a range day for the Mashburn but I hit a storm I strapped the MS to my MR contour 7-08. I ran 1 each of my accuracy loads with 120gr. TTSX, 120gr. BT, 140gr. AB. I have been short changing my 7-08 sense I got it. Accurate but slow. Load work begins again. But that really does make me happy. I love to shoot!!
are any of you guys shooting a muzzle brake over the magneto speed ? I was looking at pics , it looks like the V3 has a metal shield on the bayonet ,and the sporter does not . I'm wondering if the V3 might take the blast better since it has a shield . any thoughts on this ?

I might be in the market for a new chrony . I got my beta wet from rain , and it hasn't worked right since . I've got one more try with it, then it's buy a new one .
I finally was able to talk to Magnetospeed about two things.

1) why can't I keep the strap tight on the barrel. I was told I could use the other shim on top if need be but after backing the knob all the way out and getting the strap as tight as possible, It holds much better now. I'm fine with how it works now.

2)What setting to use Reg or Hi 1? I was using Hi 1 and asked if there would be a difference in speed from Reg to Hi 1? I was told they would give the same reading. Sensitivity would be higher but I might not have needed it. I'll try reg next trip.

I have not had one error reading yet and the speeds seem to be very consistent as the powder charge slowly increases, so does the speed.

I have noticed I am getting some pitting at the leaving edge curve of the bayonet. It might be due to muzzle blast or unburned powder? I'm not sure and I'm not really too worried about it.

This is the nicest chronograph I've ever used or seen in action.

The price is very reasonable. it's a great buy IMHO
Guess I should've read this thread before I started one on the exact same subject.

Good to hear good things about this chrony. Can't wait to get mine.
Great info fella's. I am very much on board with one of these. Seems like a good piece of kit..

Leslil, I was hoping for some more Mashburn action! I am dieing to get mine out again.

Jim, I am thinking the Magnetospeed in some form or fashion is made for me. Once I know my loads accurate and at the speed I want, I don't have much use for a chrono.
SJB. I'm at the range now with the Mashburn.
150 PT and R22
140 BT and I4350
162 Amax and H100
I'll keep you all posted.
Sweet, sounds good. I'll be looking forward to what you get. The RL22 and 150's sounds pretty sweet!

I've got some 160 Woodleighs, PTs, and Swift A-Frames loaded up right now along with some 154 Hornady's for a Fotis requested jug test.

Also have to start fireforming some brass for hunting season. Although, I can't seem to wear this Hornady brass out with regular annealing.
I do like to use a chronograph during load development , I really wouldn't have to do it though . sometimes I'll use my chronograph on a much warmer or much colder day just to see what my velocity is doing . my chrony info is mainly used for a drop chart .

I seem to have my chrony working . what I think happened was , the little clear windows on the sensors , that face the sky screens , must have got dirty or water spotted from the rain .they did look clean to me . I did wipe at them using a cloth , but I must not have been touching the window . the window is recessed a little , and I think that put them out of the cloths reach . I wiped them with a Q-tip , and I got readings that are close to quickload . so I think it's ok . time will tell .