A guy at my work was telling me about this and that Obama talked about it in his state of the union speach. So I did some searching and found this;
And this I guess there is already an executive order from Obama to get things started;
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-off ... cial-capab
The government is looking at Australia, they have a plan where 9% of every working persons wage full time or part time is put into this plan;
http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pe ... utions.asp
Thoughts and comments?
I've a retirement account through my employer and it's doing well. I don't want the government to have more control over my life and money.
And this I guess there is already an executive order from Obama to get things started;
http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-off ... cial-capab
The government is looking at Australia, they have a plan where 9% of every working persons wage full time or part time is put into this plan;
http://www.investopedia.com/articles/pe ... utions.asp
Thoughts and comments?
I've a retirement account through my employer and it's doing well. I don't want the government to have more control over my life and money.