Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Here is my southern MI WT deer thumper.
Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag now mounted with a Leupold M8 3X fixed power scope mounted in Leupold rings and bases. Thanks to Elkman for selling me this scope!

She is shooting the Nosler 240 gr JHP at 1750 fps with 23.5 grs H110 in a W-W case and a Federal Magnum Pistol primer. Accuracy is around 1.5-2" at 50 yds which is more than acceptable for its intended use. I used this rig last year and shot a doe at 30 yds, the blood trail was amazing!


I'm looking forward to using it again this fall.

Nice scope to meet the intended use. That lever gun looks like the perfect setup for short range deer. I was thinking about picking up a lever in 357 mag to go along with my side arm. I do have a pair of 336,s in 30:30 but I really don,t need all that power for short range black tail deer.
G'Day Fella's,

JD338, nice rifle/set-up and good shootin!

I like my pistol calibre rifles also!


Jim - is that one of the older 3x Leupold scopes, or one of the current versions they're selling through their custom shop and SWFA?

You gotta love those little 44 mag carbines. I have a ruger 77/44 and 96/44 and will one day pick up a marlin 1894 in 44 mag. Way more practicle than you would imagine at reasonable distances.

My dad has a Marlin 1894 in 357 magnum that has accounted for more whitetails than I can remember. When loaded with 158gr speer JSP @ 1800fps it was extremely effective in swampy, heavy brush, and standing corn.

Excellent choice of scope for your lever gun. If I ever get a marlin 44 I will probably opt for a set of peep sights.
Thanks fellas. I sure do like this rifle. It's a hammer on WT deer out to 100 yds.
Fun to shoot to. In fact, I was ringing the 300 yd gong with it a few weeks ago.
What a hoot.

Guy Miner":7168elll said:

Jim - is that one of the older 3x Leupold scopes, or one of the current versions they're selling through their custom shop and SWFA?


Guy, this is an older model. I bought it from Elkman here. It was exactly what I was looking for.

I like this rifle friend! Wish I had one as well.

Have considered the .444 Marlin as well.

Looks like it works just fine!
I love it!!! Shot my 3rd and 4th deer with a borrowed Ruger carbine wearing a Lyman Alaskan and Rem green box 240 gr SPs. They really hammered deer in the woods.

Still looking for a .41 mag lever gun to match my Blackhawk. Think I'll be looking for a long time.
Thanks fellas. I'm looking forward to hunting with this rifle this season.

I really like those .44 lever guns.
Speaking of sight options, I have a .44 Ruger Auto carbine and right now it's wearing a Aimpoint 9000SC Camo red dot sight. I've had this sight for a number of years and have never warmed up to it even though I've taken several animals with it. I guess I'm just set in my ways as I prefer a scope to a red dot, a little magnification helps me see better.
Further proof that lever actions are worthless :wink:

Love my stainless .44 1894 with a Williams peep and fiber optic. Took a while to break in the action, but it is smooth now. Light, hard hitting and really handy with 10 in the tube.