Measuring case necks


Oct 10, 2004
Now I know (and will probably pick some up tomorrow) that you don't have to measure Nosler brass as it is all taken care of already. But . . . how many of you do measure case necks? Has it given you perceivably better accuracy? What measuring tool do you use?

I have never measured or even sorted any cases for any of the calibers I load for and still end up with great accuracy. I will be getting some 280 AI brass from Nosler and will be interested in seeing if I can improve on the accuracy.

I measure caseneck thickness variance with an RCBS Casemaster. If a case varies more than some arbitrary amount - I use 0.0015" - there's a noticable change in group size. I don't necessarily throw away those that vary 0.0025, but I sure don't use them for load development.

There's been a real decline recently in the quality of Winchester brass for my 6.5.55. I bought 500 cases from Grafs, and when I opened and measured the first 50, 18 of them failed my test, for a failure rate of 36%. I used to get a 4% failire from them. With that rate, the price difference that Nosler and Lapua had with cheaper brass sure isn't as big as it looks at first.

For my one custom rifle/chamber, it's a no-brainer - custom dies and good brass - either bought or sorted.

I am wondering about those occaisional "flyers". No doubt it could be me and not the brass, but I have talked to several reloaders that say case neck concentricity is the single most important thing that aids accuracy. I think I will find out for myself. Just gotta figure out which way to go.

In my pursuit of the elimination of flyers - it couldn't be me! - I changed two things. I bought benchrest primers and measured case necks. John Barsness thinks he can get the same results with a bright light and a magnifying glass. Apparently, he can see thickness differences. I haven't tried that, but you might try it before spending bucks on the tools.
