mill dot for dummies


Jan 24, 2012
kk new to mill dot but need a dummie description lol please i use a bushnell scout 1000 and have it set for my .308 however what if battery dies or gets broke in field ? i know my hold overs however estimating yards past 50 is rough ima bowhunter in my heart lol
Easy stuff. Know the average size of your target in yards, multiply it by 1000, then divide that number by how many mils you read off of the bottom post.

So say you're shooting at a standard E Type silhouette, it's 39 inches (1.08 yards) from top to bottom. Place the post on the bottom of the reticle at the base of the target. Find out how many mils the target covers. For this we'll just say 1.75 mils (top of the target at the bottom of the 2nd dot from the bottom). So multiply 1.08 x 1000 then divide it by 1.75 giving you a range of 617 yards.

Good input. You make it easy. :mrgreen:

You can also multiply target size by 27.77 then divide that number by the number of mils. Once you get the hang of it you won't even need to use the math.