Minox scopes at Cameraland

The older I grow, the more I appreciate the quality of what is being marketed today. People may complain about scopes, but I do remember when a scope was a source of extreme frustration. The rifles that are marketed today generally shoot better than most of us are capable of doing ourselves. Our vehicles are long-lived. The Oldsmobile that I drove to Canada in 1980 was toast after 100,000 miles, and that seemed pretty good then. My neighbour just got rid of his GMC when it had about 660,000 km on it, and I traded off my Nissan Stanza at 405,000 km. My hunting partners Dodge has well over 320,000 km on it at the present. The quality of American goods are pretty exceptional.
DrMike":2z4xe77k said:
My hunting partners Dodge has well over 320,000 km on it at the present. The quality of American goods are pretty exceptional.

What Mike, I didn't hear you? Was that a Dodge with 320K on it? Hmmm... Thats okay, I like Fords as well. I bought my truck for the wonderful Cummins engine and so far, it nor the truck have let me down in 116K MILES. Scotty :twisted:
Now, Scotty, it was only honesty that compelled me to acknowledge this one particular fluke. And his is not a Cummings. But, hey, how 'bout them Minox scopes?
Well, speaking of Minox's, I should have my base in the mailbox today, so I should be able to mount the 3x9 Minox up on the 7WSM this evening I hope. Getting pretty excited to give this rifle a good shooting. Scotty
Curious to see how this turns out. It sounds like we have pretty similar builds (well, outside of you being an in shape Marine, and me being a fat surveyor) and shooting styles. I hope the rail works for getting the scope far enough forward to clear the power ring.
BK":os9wc4cc said:
Curious to see how this turns out. It sounds like we have pretty similar builds (well, outside of you being an in shape Marine, and me being a fat surveyor) and shooting styles. I hope the rail works for getting the scope far enough forward to clear the power ring.

Kurt, I wished I went with the rail years ago. It is the best set up for me and my scope alignment issues, bar none. Leupold regular mounts have worked out fine as well, but the rail set up is much better in my opinion. Very strong and makes scope swaps or eye relief adjustments very easy. Scotty
I am trying to figure out what I will do with my Leupold rings-bases and (1) set of Redfield rings. I have converted everything to Warne or TPS rings and steel, tactical, cross braced mounts. That leaves me with several sets of Redfield and Buehler bases and rings. I guess that I will have to have a sale on EBay or Gunbroker? I have bases for Model 70 LA, Rem/Weatherby LA and Browning A-Bolt LA, all Leupold plus several Buehler mounts and bases for same rifles as Leupold bases.

The Redfields are hardly worth the trouble to sell and the Buehler are kind or a mish-mash of bases, ranging from Sako round action to Weatherby Chrome/stn stl high rings.
I see you still read the goings-on over "there", Charlie, huh? ;)

Not to toss another wrench in the works, but now Cabela's has Swarovski Z3's on sale. I'm torn as to waiting for the VX6 I have on order to come out, or get a Z3. Decisions, decisions....

Oh, and I'll probably get blasted, but I drive an American-made truck. I have a Toyota Tacoma. :mrgreen:
I have a Swarovski AV which became the Z3 when Swarovski separated from Kahles about three years ago. I would rate the AV as better than the Conquest, equal to Kahles and nearly as clear and contrasty as the Zeiss Diavari (a $2000+ scope). I own all three and would buy another Swarovski in a minute, if I was looking for another scope. I have no experience with the newer Leupold higher grade optics and can not comment on those.

I do read over on the other forum every few days. However, I have no interest in participating in that melee any more. Plus, it is all about egos and very little useful information gets exchanged before these posts turn into a free for all. I cancelled my subscription on that forum.
I have three Swarovski scopes, three Kahles and eight Zeiss (three Diavaris and five Conquests). I can't imagine that anyone would feel inhibited by using any of these scopes. Tom, get the Swarovski, just so I can say I have the V6 before you have it. :lol:
DrMike":1wi2wjrd said:
I have three Swarovski scopes, three Kahles and eight Zeiss (three Diavaris and five Conquests). I can't imagine that anyone would feel inhibited by using any of these scopes. Tom, get the Swarovski, just so I can say I have the V6 before you have it. :lol:

Mike, you are a true Ninja! Man, just when your not looking, WHAMMO, you blindside us with your sheer cunning!

Stay strong Tom! Either scope would be awesome. I know those Swarovki's are some awesome glass. Can't say you would ever go wrong with one of them. They have to be some incredible glass. I know the spotting scope I use at work is pretty incredible. Scotty
beretzs":1mr3yo6a said:
DrMike":1mr3yo6a said:
I have three Swarovski scopes, three Kahles and eight Zeiss (three Diavaris and five Conquests). I can't imagine that anyone would feel inhibited by using any of these scopes. Tom, get the Swarovski, just so I can say I have the V6 before you have it. :lol:

Mike, you are a true Ninja! Man, just when your not looking, WHAMMO, you blindside us with your sheer cunning!

Stay strong Tom! Either scope would be awesome. I know those Swarovki's are some awesome glass. Can't say you would ever go wrong with one of them. They have to be some incredible glass. I know the spotting scope I use at work is pretty incredible. Scotty

Crafty is he.....he has tried the form of strategy known in the Japanese martial arts as "sen no sen"...."invite a blunder by the opponent, and then capitalize on it." Very cunning. Not cunning enough, as I looked through a Z3. It's nice, but an acquiantence of mine who is familiar with the VX7, the Z3, and the Z6 says that the VX7 surpasses the Z3, but doesn't quite hang with the Z6. The VX6 is reported to be the superior optic as compared to the VX7. If you're keeping score at home, that means the VX6 will challenge the Z6.

Sorry Mike....my order remains on the VX6.
DrMike":3vx6vl3v said:
Sorry Mike....my order remains on the VX6.

Curses! Foiled again! I'll get you, Red Baron. The VX6 will be mine!

It will be indeed.

And I'll give you a report on it ahead of time so you know what you're getting. :)
Man, if that VX6 is that good Tom, it should be a huge hit for Leupold. Scotty
beretzs":qquuwukd said:
Man, if that VX6 is that good Tom, it should be a huge hit for Leupold. Scotty

I don't know, Scotty.

When I was talking with the guy at Cabela's last night, he seemed absolutely thrilled to talk to me. As he said, "We don't really sell many of this type of scope at all. Most guys are buying the lower end Leupolds and Nikons, or cheaper stuff than that."

I doubt that they'll fly off the shelves, but for the initial orders.
The fellow at Cabela's is correct--more people want entry level scopes. I understand saving a buck, but my personal practise and recommendation is to mount the best glass one can afford. This is one instance where "good enough" will not pay off in the long run. While a scope may be "good enough," when a shooter uses good glass under challenging conditions, they are sold on top end scopes.
tddeangelo":3sn2sph9 said:
beretzs":3sn2sph9 said:
Man, if that VX6 is that good Tom, it should be a huge hit for Leupold. Scotty

I don't know, Scotty.

When I was talking with the guy at Cabela's last night, he seemed absolutely thrilled to talk to me. As he said, "We don't really sell many of this type of scope at all. Most guys are buying the lower end Leupolds and Nikons, or cheaper stuff than that."

I doubt that they'll fly off the shelves, but for the initial orders.

Yeah, I guess what I meant is Leupold will have a scope that truely competes with the higher end euro glass. Granted, it is expensive stuff, but I know folks like myself that have kinda "seen the light" with the nicer euro type scopes but still wants to put a Golden Ring on their rifles. The VX6 sounds like it is a nice one.

I would be interested to hear about some of the folks with the Z5 Minox. I am really contemplating ordering one pretty shortly for my 7WSM. A 2-10 with BDC would be just about perfect for my hunting. Scotty