Minox ZA5 (Sask Boy's Scope)

DrMike":1zcpqwes said:

I think Dan will be posting intermittently for a while. There was another unexpected medical procedure that cropped up. Hopefully, he's on the mend, but it did mean that he is not as regular as before.

Tell Dan I am thinking of him Mike. Hope he mends up soon. It is good to hear from him.
I'm certain he reads the posts on the forum, he just isn't able to make as many posts at the present. I will definitely tell him, however.
Thanks guys I am @ home :wink:
Before the Stress Test I was told I would have to get another Angiogram :(
But I completed the Stress Test & it showed absolutely nothing. My Cardiologist stated it was almost perfect:).
But they can't explain the Angina. So I am going to start to use a Nitro patch & get checked out again in a few months.
Now I did have my Son's 270 out with the Minox & it worked great! I think it is clearer than the 4200 but that is just me I think:)
The BDC worked well as we sighted @ 100yds & then held next reticle on 200yds & it was right there:)
We are still going to tune it up some before the season begins.
Again want to thank you for your thoughts & prayers :)

Dan, it is none of my business but I had a RCA (right cardiac artery) blockage of 90%+ and had no symptoms, except Unstable Angina. I passed the EEG, radiation testing scan and chemical stress test. The Cardiologist could not explain away the angina and did both an Aortic and Vena Cava Angiogram because I had a small Infarction event in church. Nothing showed on the tests!

The Cardiologist in the catheter lab said the RCA blockage was very nearly so bad that they almost could not stent it and would have had to crack my chest. The blockage was right where the RCA goes over from the top to the back of the heart and divides in half to supply the rear of the heart. I talked them into a coated stent which I have had for 9 years now with no pain.

Two of my Canadian friends in BC by contrast, had to wait nearly a year to get an heart catheterization and both had 3-5 blocks each with super angina issues and they were not even given Nitro Glycerin. One friend was so bad that I thought he was going to have an infarction (heart attack) at my house and I gave him some Nitro. Both have have either a stent and/or bypass surgery to save their lives in the last year.
Oldtrader3, my right coronary is blocked and has been for 18 years. I have a natural bypass that was checked and they stated it actually has better flow now than when it was first discovered. I have really tighten up my food intake and actually have lost 60lbs since the beginning of April this year :mrgreen:
They are going to keep monitoring me for the next while :)
I think that I have found part of the problem. I am going to cardiac rehab and it seems when I do the weight training a few hours later I get the symptoms yet when I just do a real brisk walk I feel great and have no issues.
I have been walking for a number of months and since the stents I have been walking 3 to 5 miles per day with out any problems.
Not sure yet about the weights but I am going to talk with my trainer on Wednesday.

Thanks for your concern
PS. I am not that private of a guy so ask questions all you like. :wink:

Dan, I am glad you are feeling better buddy and taking care of yourself. Sounds like you are really taking to the challenge! You should be a walking fool come Fall!
Scotty, I was already half way there as I have had the fool part down for years :wink:

No problem Dan, just trying to be helpful.

I took 12 weeks of Rehab Training after my stent was put in. They started me off with rubber surgical tubing and then weights on sliding machines. Plus I did a programmed treadmill with uphill programming starting at 20 minutes and 0% grade up to 45 minutes and 14% grade at 12 weeks. Sounds a though you have a handle on the problem. Just have them profile your weight training a little. Now I exercise with 7 pound barbells at home.

I do not walk enough because of lung issues. I should probably buy a treadmill one of these days or rejoin the local gym which I get a reduced rate on.
Sask - Glad to hear you're being aggressive in figuring out your ticker. The pros can do wonders when it comes to your pump and plumbing nowadays. Keep at it and Godspeed.

I want to hear successful Whelen stories this fall!
Thanks for the encouragement :) I can't change me foolish past but I have great hope in the future :mrgreen:.
I plan on trying to get up there this weekend to do a little scouting :wink:
