Morning at the range


Dec 2, 2010
Well I will start out with the good. This was the first time shooting my 22-250 since the trigger job and I can really tell a difference and I love how it shoots. I tested some 55 VMax bullets with Win 760. My biggest group was 1.55" and my best was .507" with 38.5gr of powder.


Now to the bad. The Ruger 30-06. I tried a lot of different bullets. I let the rifle cool and Bore Snaked the barrel between each group. This is going to be long so hang on.

180 Factory load Core Lokt = 2.427"

165 BT with BL-C(2)

165BT with H4350

My old SST load with Win 760 = 1.425"

165AB with Varget

165AB with BL-C(2)

I know that is a lot to play with in one trip, but I had time to cool and clean the rifle. I have come to the conclusion that this rifle can not get down to the 1" groups. I really think that it is a 1.5" gun at best. I am going to get a box of 180gr AB and give them a crack with H4350 and Win 760. I am happy that all my hand loads did shoot better than the factory rounds I fired. I am also thinking that having the trigger taken down from 7lbs to 3.5 will help. If you can take anything from this and help me that would be great. So far with shooting AB, SST, BT, and Core Lokt, I average 1.87" for all my groups shot today. One other thing that bugs me is there is no rhyme or reason for 3.697" then .881", then 2.175" in the H4350 with 165BT groups. Is it me or what?
You did get two groups that went under an inch so that tells me that the rifle will shoot.
I would reshoot both of those sub inch groups, and I would also start trying different seating depths to fine tune it.

You NEED to get the trigger down from 7 lbs. That will make a big difference in your group size. A crisp clean 3.0 lbs with no creep will make all the difference in the world.

I would go buy some 180gr Ballistic Tips and some H4831. I know that the AB's are capable of great accuracy, but from what little I have messed with them the BT's are easier to accuracy from in my rifles.

180 BT
59-60grs H4831

If the trigger is still heavy then that will have an impact on accuracy.
I will be taking the rifle to get the trigger done soon. This rifle has caused more gray hair than my students that I work with. I plan on making some of the rounds that did go sub 1" Hopefully,I can get it shooting better.

My go to powder for the 30-06 was always IMR 4350.
59.0 grs with 150 grs and 56.0 grs with 180 grs. Sub MOA in 2 different rifles and a wicked killer on WT deer and bear.

I'm with JD. Everything I hear about the 30-06 is that the 4350's (H or IMR) are the ticket with 165gr bullets. That's what I'll be trying on my next range trip - but with 168gr BT's. Now, that said, it appears you have two loads (again, I'm with JD) that show significant promise. To answer your question about accuracy, you're looking at harmonic changes that strongly affect accuracy. Your idea to retry them is right on. Once you retry them (and get that trigger fixed!) you'll know more about the gun and load capability. Then you can begin to adjust seating depth and work for the utmost precision attainable from your setup.

I'll also add that your gun seems to like around 50-51gr of BL-C(2) - with both BT's and Accubonds. That's indicative of a node for your rifle, in my estimation, and you should exploit that. I'd revisit the two loads that shot under 1" and also the 51gr BT load with BL-C(2), making some OAL adjustments with the BT load, maybe two steps to either side of what you loaded prior, or if that was magazine length, maybe three or four steps down from there (steps being .005-.010" depending on your tastes). One of those three will give you consistent sub-moa performance, I suspect. Good luck with it!

I'll post my results later when I get time to hit the range.
JD338":2tn7fnjn said:
You did get two groups that went under an inch so that tells me that the rifle will shoot.
I would reshoot both of those sub inch groups, and I would also start trying different seating depths to fine tune it.

You NEED to get the trigger down from 7 lbs. That will make a big difference in your group size. A crisp clean 3.0 lbs with no creep will make all the difference in the world.


Jim is right on, I wouldn't shoot another round without having the trigger tuned up. You are throwing powder and bullets downrange with an inconsistent trigger. That trigger is doing nothing for your groups. You have some really fine grouping going on, but with a trigger that heavy, getting MOA or better is going to be a heckuva hard time. Seems you are shooting fine WT. Just get that trigger tuned up and reshoot your good loads. I think you will see something come out in the wash. Scotty
I have 3 30/06's and none have cared much for imr4350, my Ruger 77MKII and my Savage 116 are both hovering around .5 MOA with H4831 and 180 BT's.

I think this area is cursed for the imr4350 as I am the only person in America that has -06's that don't like it. :)
Dress your trigger to about 3 pounds and focus on the 4350s. I would guess that I'm pretty much in agreement with what you've already read on this thread. Your groups show promise, and I have no doubt they will tighten as you lighten the trigger.
DrMike":31n9jvzj said:
Dress your trigger to about 3 pounds and focus on the 4350s. I would guess that I'm pretty much in agreement with what you've already read on this thread. Your groups show promise, and I have no doubt they will tighten as you lighten the trigger.

I agree with DrMike, hang in there, it will come together for you.
Thanks for the replys. I often times think it is me then I look at what I did with the 22-250 and my .538" with the 6.5 Grendel this morning. I will be calling the gun smith Tuesday morning. He has a quick turn around so I may get to shoot it later in the week. I wanted to give the 165 bullets a crack but now that I am out of them, I am going to get some 180s to play with. Thanks again for the info and support it helps a lot.
I think you will be much better off once your trigger is tuned up some. Pretty big part in the little groups! Scotty
Thinking about when the sear will release is not conducive to tiny groups.
Mike, that is an understatement, the only thing I focus on is my cross hair or front sight, nothing else matters, I mean NOTHING!!!! :mrgreen:
Fix that old trigger and as all have said, that will make a huge difference I believe. IMR4350 is a great powder for the 30-06 also. Looks like BL-C (2) worked very well though and could have some promise. The IMR & H 4350's seem to just be the ticket. A $75.00 trigger job is worth it's weight in gold! :grin:
JD338":2ztnehwg said:
You did get two groups that went under an inch so that tells me that the rifle will shoot.
I would reshoot both of those sub inch groups...
You NEED to get the trigger down from 7 lbs. That will make a big difference in your group size. A crisp clean 3.0 lbs with no creep will make all the difference in the world.


Yep Jim is right on here.

Thing about such a heavy trigger is that it causes problems with the nut behind the butt (YOU). Rifle shooting is such a mental game, that having to stay steady while squeezing such a heavy trigger is about guaranteed to screw up your groups no matter how mentally disciplined a shooter you may be.

I'd reload a few 3 shot groups worth of those "magic" loads and see what you can do after a trigger job. I highly recommend a timney which you ought to be able to drop in w/out much know-how mechanically.

Good luck; you're making progress!