
Guy Miner":3k8z749s said:
Africa. America. Murder is bad stuff. I hope the guilty parties meet justice.

I do not agree with everything that has been said on this thread. I do agree that the events that started this thread are terrible, unnecessary and sad. but I agree with Guy.

I felt bad when I read about a young woman being stoned to death in Afghanistan, or even the people who were killed in a movie theatre in Colorado earlier this year.

I do agree that south Africa has its problems and I am not wearing blinders. I am well aware that we have 17 times more murders in South Africa than you do in the States. And it doesn't stop there. aids, redistribution, political corruption, and a desire by some to eliminate every white man in South Africa.

However, my grandparents and parents shed sweat, blood, and tears, to not only create a better South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, but to create a color blind society, even if it only existed on their farms. We will not let all their work for all those years be lost without a fight.

Is it easy, hell no, but most things worth having are not easy to obtain and usually does not mean as much to an individual if it does come easy.

As many of you know we have two natural born daughters who are in college. but we also have two adopted daughters who are older than the two in college. they are both of color, both have finished college, and they are fighting the good fight to make the world color blind and we are very proud of them.

I believe many of you in the States are worried about where your country is headed and are equally concerned about where your current leader is attempting to take your country. After your last election, one of your Senators has decided that he wants to help decide where the money goes from an organization we are involved with that helps during a crisis, like Sandy and Katrina. We politely said no and have made arrangements to move the office to a different country.

All we can do is to continue to do what we believe is the right thing, regardless of Race, Religion, or Gender and not be swayed by what is politically convenient or even popular. We may pay the ultimate price one day as those before us did, but we will know we did the right thing while we were here. So we press on.
Aleena, I think most of us try to do what we think is right and hopefully we think about the entire spectrum of we as mentors, guardians and parents represent, including what we say and do, and not just its immediate impact but our legacy as well. What worries me personally is that despite giving my level best to raise my children to be model citizens, three of them, actually the three most educated of my children are radical leftists. The change actually started when these children were taught by Nuns in Catholic Parochial School. These nuns were leftist thinking and somewhat radical. The children were still not fully converted when they left their parent's bosom to go to college. They were finally transformed from the seeds the nuns planted by college and graduate school professors in ways that I would never have imagined possible. Given the politics of their parents.

Many of the more traditionally oriented and Christian people in this country are legitimately worried about the backgrounds, political orientations, content of politician's souls and intentions of the leaders at all levels which we have elected in the last Presidential election in this country. They also are product of the same schools and way of life that my own children have chosen to follow. We obviously have a cadre of Communist or at least Radical Liberal professors in our higher education schools who are dedicated to overthrowing our Constitutional government. Nikita Kruschev stated in 1955 that he would take over America without firing a shot, by subverting the educational system. This in effect, may have happened to some extent.

It is most obvious to the older generation of us, at least in this country, that the electorate has changed also, partially as a result of these same forces at work. Now as a result, the political campaigns and political ideologies which worked in the past, at least in this country in electing moderate and sensible leaders, have passed by the wayside. Those of us with some background in studying historical politics are worried about the Saul Alinsky effect of entitling the radical left and franchising them in this country really for the first time in our history. Franklin Delano Roosevelt doesn't count because he was wealthy and those were different times.

I find trend this trend very worrisome. Especially so when I read about the African National Congress, their legacy and their political agenda in South Africa and Zimbabwe. This is especially disturbing to me when I hear some of the same words coming out of the mouths of the Radical Left American Politicians, including to some degree Obama. I guess all radical socialists have the same mother.

To some degree this is in God's hands and I worry that he is punishing our race for their corruption and vanities? To the degree that this is in our hands, we just have to fight these forces of evil with all of the resources that we can muster and pray that it is enough!
Charlie, The hearts and minds of the young people is where the future will be won, if it is to be won.

We have gone toe to toe with many teachers and professors who have attempted to turn our daughters to the left. We are very hands-on parents, even after they have graduated from college.

A "dependent " society is how your current leader got elected and then re-elected. It is not much different there than here. They want to redistribute the land that white farmers worked to build here and in your country they want to redistribute the money that responsible citizens have worked and saved. Make no mistake, you have a war against the so -called rich in your country. What many fail to understand is that this also hits business s and middle class people, not to mention the higher unemployment this tax grab will create, when business s cut back and lay off workers or go to part time workers to help eliminate the new health care laws that are being forced upon you.

This is an old, old statement, but it still fits today and it is to bad more of our current leaders and teachers around the world, don't understand it.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

I still stand by the post I made to this thread yesterday. It is not just the "Blacks" of South Africa that have and are still creating or have created a world of a "dependent" thinking citizens. History is full of tyrants, even in modern times. idi Amin was Black, but Stalin, Mousillini and Hitler were not and Mao was of Asian decent
We certainly do have our dependent class here. The 47% that Mitt Romney was thinking about but did not have the courage and conviction to actually say it out loud and make it a platform issue. Politicians always do two things: they follow the money that gets them elected and they try to be politically correct to a fault which means will not say what sometimes needs to at least be said in this country.

I do not know what the number is and whether it is 27% or 47% and the belief that this segment of the electorate is going to vote Democratic which leaves part of the rest up for grabs is not true. Actually this is not true because that 47% includes people like me who live on a pension combined with Social Security and Medicare. What people forget is that I paid for Social Security and Medicare and the Government is giving me nothing except a paltry return on the money that I "invested" in their socialism. Supposedly, I get some portion of this annuity regardless of who is in power. This is true except that Obamacare has on paper (so far) reduced my medical benefit by 40% to drop this money into the black hole of "paying the national debt"! This is the $740 Billion that Romney was talking about that Obama has, in effect stolen.

People like me will primarily vote Republican because, if they are smart, they realise that this is the only real chance that they have to retain their annuities. By contrast, the Labor Party in England has already let it be known that they are going to start letting babies die! How long will it be before this genocide includes old people? Not long by my reckoning.

You are right, the hearts and minds of the young people are the key to saving ourselves from socialism. So far, we are doing a poor job of reaching young people and in finding a way to communicate with them that will make a difference in how they choose to live their lives.

This is a war against the rich here in the US but it is not going to solve any problems. It will insure that there are fewer jobs but the government revenues are smaller than they think they will collect from the rich. There certainly is not nearly enough to even pay the interest of Mr. Obama's accrued addition to the national debt.

We have as a nation taken our eye off the ball of being the United States and producing goods and services to sell to other nations in the world and make ourselves prosperous again. China is failing at being able to keep the manufacturing based on any decent quality standard and their people are starting to ask about being part of the prosperity instead of just serfs for the Politburo. This is a real opportunity for the US to take back some of the manufacturing base that they lost in the last 15 years of the 20Th Century.

This government we have is not only incompetent but they are also ineffectual and will let this opportunity pass them by in the proletariat wars that Obama likes to start so well. That is why I was hoping so hard that he would loss this election. Because at least Romney understood the economic side of creating wealth and jobs for the people of this country which is a start to rebuilding pride and will to succeed.
Africa Huntress":30x5f6xj said:
Charlie, The hearts and minds of the young people is where the future will be won, if it is to be won.

This is an old, old statement, but it still fits today and it is to bad more of our current leaders and teachers around the world, don't understand it.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

I still stand by the post I made to this thread yesterday. It is not just the "Blacks" of South Africa that have and are still creating or have created a world of a "dependent" thinking citizens. History is full of tyrants, even in modern times. idi Amin was Black, but Stalin, Mousillini and Hitler were not and Mao was of Asian decent

I second that statement. I spent two summers in Africa working in the Safari Industry as a video photographer, camp manager and as an assent PH. I had the pleasure of living a dream of mine working over in Tanzania and Zimbabwe as well as a month in Johannesburg S.A. on my first trip. My experience living in Joberg was good but bitter sweet. I had to walk everywhere most of the time, and I noticed that when walking past someone else that their whole demeanor changed just by saying Hello, and they would smile back and reply in kindness. Mind you this was not always the case, but I would say that more then a few White Africans weren't as nice as there Black counter parts. I don't wont to go into details but I had my fare share of bar fights just for being a Yankee, and nothing more. Yet I was a friend and hero amongst my fellow Black African friends and Co-works. My motto in camp and at work was this: I'm not your boss, that is so-in-so and like you, he is my boss as well, I am here to work with you, not for you. I will treat you with respect and dignity and only wish for the same in return.

I can honestly say that more then a few of those people would step in harms way to protect me if need be, and I for them. Why such things seem to happen when a life is taken by someone else has many reasons. My biggest fear, although it it was only something in the back of my mind, and not something I truly feared, was that a drugged up kid or teenager would shoot me for no real reason with his AK-47 coming into or near a city or town. My brief but surely loved passion for the Country of Africa and the people whom I met and became great friends with is dearly missed more often then not. But I have seen the mistreatment of Blacks by there White counter parts at work, which was very hard for me to stomach and a major reason for leaving. Which was sad knowing there next Boss, would be just that. Although more like Task Master is a better term only far worse in some ways?

I can't speak for everything that happens over there, nor am I about to. I think it may vary widely amongst whom you ask and in which Country. I don't care to take sides either, everyone has their own reasons. I was in Africa for the beautiful Country, the sights, sounds and to live the dream of being there not as a tourist, but with the old friends in my heart that drew me there.
I worked in many areas different of the world during the last 15 years of my career. I spent a lot of time in the Third World, including: Mexico, Philippines, China, India and some in Eastern Europe. I always got along in these countries pretty well. I had the attitude that I was there to help and although I was in charge of the plant project they were working on, they were the ultimate owners of what we accomplished as a team. Plus, I was a good listener.

My company would not let me work in Columbia, Africa and the Middle East. This was because of kidnapping and ransom issues as I could not work armed in those countries. I had some close calls with an open market car-bomb in India during elections and in the Philippines because Imelda Marcos was losing power and control while I was there and everybody but me had a gun and they tied to bomb the hotel I was staying in but the bomb was discovered and disarmed in the lobby! However, no one managed to kill me! I was one of the first Americans in China after Tianimen Square in 1989 and things were a little tense at times. I was followed at all times.

I also worked in Central America in the 1960's when Dr. Che Guevara was running guerrila warfare camps in Guatemala and Honduras. I had a secret policeman who was determined to shoot me just because he did not like me and I was robbed a few times at gunpoint by Federales or Guerillas (who knows which, they look the same except maybe for the machine gun they were carrying?) but I lived through it. Everybody I think, assumed that I was a CIA spy (I wasn't) as most Americans there then were spies. I was arrested in the Dominican Republic once as a spy but they let me board a plane and leave.
Africa, what a place of contrast where the line between life and death seem to be clearly marked and yet a complete surprise. A fascinating and passionate place where one moment things are calm and the very next moment life hangs in the balance. So many different looks in Africa from the sands, to the jungles, down the rivers, up the mountains and across the plains filled with a variety of languages and cultures. Yes, I always found Africa to be an enchanting place with just enough mystery and shadows to create a little adrenalin rush at times.
I am sometimes sorry I turned down the offer to fight the ANC before they became the power they are now but if I had accepted the offer I was tendered I have no doubt I wouldn't be typing this tonight.

We all make our choices and do what we think is right. I still think I made the right choice as I met a lovely lady and am living a wonderful life overall and I'm thankful for it.
While serving in the U.S. Navy (Vietnam war era), I visited many parts of this world, but not Africa.

Rising human populations, increasing political unrest, religious conflict, marxist mentalities, a break-down in law and order and all the rest cause me to worry more for the African continent's wildlife. Though I may never visit Africa, I will still feel diminished if whole species are lost. Stability and prosperity ensure wildlife conservation. I don't see that improving. BT