Africa Huntress
- Feb 14, 2012
- 461
- 2
Guy Miner":3k8z749s said:Africa. America. Murder is bad stuff. I hope the guilty parties meet justice.
I do not agree with everything that has been said on this thread. I do agree that the events that started this thread are terrible, unnecessary and sad. but I agree with Guy.
I felt bad when I read about a young woman being stoned to death in Afghanistan, or even the people who were killed in a movie theatre in Colorado earlier this year.
I do agree that south Africa has its problems and I am not wearing blinders. I am well aware that we have 17 times more murders in South Africa than you do in the States. And it doesn't stop there. aids, redistribution, political corruption, and a desire by some to eliminate every white man in South Africa.
However, my grandparents and parents shed sweat, blood, and tears, to not only create a better South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe, but to create a color blind society, even if it only existed on their farms. We will not let all their work for all those years be lost without a fight.
Is it easy, hell no, but most things worth having are not easy to obtain and usually does not mean as much to an individual if it does come easy.
As many of you know we have two natural born daughters who are in college. but we also have two adopted daughters who are older than the two in college. they are both of color, both have finished college, and they are fighting the good fight to make the world color blind and we are very proud of them.
I believe many of you in the States are worried about where your country is headed and are equally concerned about where your current leader is attempting to take your country. After your last election, one of your Senators has decided that he wants to help decide where the money goes from an organization we are involved with that helps during a crisis, like Sandy and Katrina. We politely said no and have made arrangements to move the office to a different country.
All we can do is to continue to do what we believe is the right thing, regardless of Race, Religion, or Gender and not be swayed by what is politically convenient or even popular. We may pay the ultimate price one day as those before us did, but we will know we did the right thing while we were here. So we press on.