Muzzy Mule deer


Jun 2, 2011
Just got home from my Utah muzzy hunt. I used my CVA Kodiak Magnum .50 cal. With Harvester Scorpion PT Gold 300 gr. Pills. 90 gr. BH 209. Shot all summer out to 200 yards. Shot him at 15 yards! Some days everything just falls in to place! Good luck to you all on your hunts! My son and I head to Colorado for mule deer 3rd season, looking forward to that hunt too! Breaking out the .270 Win's with BT's for that!ImageUploadedByTapatalk1443497633.892571.jpg
Great mulie! Did you have to stalk, or was he just unwary in coming in that close? Tell us more about the hunt.
Thanks all!

We spotted this buck early in the am. We made a play on him and he disappeared on us. We hiked a few ridges away to glass for the day as it was extremely thick and still hunting was out of the question. We glassed up a few does and small bucks. It was almost noon and we decided to sneak out and eat a decent breakfast and return around 3. We had not hiked 25 yards when a shot rang out about 250 yards away and below us. We rushed forward about 40 yards to an opening that exposed about a 50'x50' area in the draw we were hiking down.
About 2 minutes go by and we here a deer coming our way. We were both ready and prepared. I had told my buddy he gets first shot. When the buck popped out on a trot I whispered, do you want him? He replied no, too early in the hunt. (He had his eyes set on a really big buck in the area.). I quickly asked, care if I shoot him? He said no, go for it!
I loved the look of this buck with his early gray color with perfect velvet. He was also plenty big for my goals.
As I shouldered my muzzy, he was coming to the uphill edge of the brush. He must have sensed my movement or was not sure which trail to take because he paused. I settled the 1x Nikon right behind his shoulder quartering slightly away and touched off the shot.
He jumped straight up in the air and kind of bucked. All I could see was dust flying behind him and his body jumping above the small puff of smoke! He showed no other signs of a hit. He trotted uphill about 20 yards and then went downhill into the brush and we heard him go down!
At that close range the bullet had passed completely through him and left about a diameter and 1/2 size exit. In the photo you can just make out the edge of it to the left of the near sagebrush on his rt. leg. The bloodtrail was very easy to make out and assisted in finding him in that jungle.
As a side not we found two better bucks but could not get it together for a shot on them. It was a very hot hunt with deer movement to a minimum. I feel very fortunate to shoot this great buck. Oh yeah, he turned out to be a stag with marble sized testicles. That explained the velvet!

It's been a long time since I've taken a buck with my muzzle loader... Congrats!

That is a great account of what has to be a fantastic hunt for you. Again, congratulations!
Congrats! that's a great buck. Good luck on the colorado hunt, I'll be up there too, hope you make it a twofer!
Thanks! Good luck to you too Tobey! I would love to pull off a twofer for this year. Having not shot a deer since 2011 being pretty selective and helping my son shoot his. No regrets but really enjoyed this hunt! Good luck all!